Why Should I learn how to write

Elder Louzada
Improve yourself
Published in
1 min readJul 7, 2019

That’s a question that a lot of people might have. Why should I put effort in learning how to write or doing it frequently? How could I get benefited by doing that? Those are some of the questions in the mind of people that are beginning their own journey in this area.

I think that writing can be a really good way to express what you are feeling and your ideas about some specific topic. Also, you can think that this habit will not only benefit yourself, but also a lot of other people that might be interested in what you have to say. Imagine that you are an expert in some subject that someone don’t know, by writing it down and put it in a public place you could help this person.

It is just amazing, it isn’t?! So, get out of your confort zone and go write some cool articles



Elder Louzada
Improve yourself

Estudante de ADS pela Fatec, aprendendo um pouco mais sobre programação e desenvolvimento front-end todos os dias. Gosta de jogar games nas horas vagas.