Flow of consciousness

Alon Albalak
Learning is a Journey
1 min readApr 26, 2019

When I started this blog last week, I had some very specific purposes in mind. I wanted to do things like:

  • Write about interesting papers that I have recently read, which would give me a good opportunity to really understand them
  • Make connections between and across topics,
  • Keep myself active in reading and learning

However, now that I’ve started writing, I can’t think of anything to say! I’ve read about 5 papers this past week, however nothing really blew me away in terms of what I’ve learned, or how I can apply the information from those papers.

I think I need to start with more general explanations of topics before getting into the details of any particular paper. So, I’ve decided that I want to start my blog off with a few baseline articles about control theory, statistics, and reinforcement learning. I’m getting started right away on writing and when I’ve finished, I will put up links to those articles here!

Thanks for stopping by, and I look forward to writing some real, informative articles!

