Getting Started with Ethical Hacking

A simple guide for anyone who wants to learn ethical hacking

Learning Lab


A screenshot from the famous exploitation tool: Metasploit framework

Cybersecurity is a very important part of our world. We read very often news about data leaks that sometimes sadly include our own personal data. You can even check the website Have I Been Pwned if your email appears in any data leak.

As a web developer, I know a few security tricks and sometimes I do them automatically without a full understanding of why they must be done 🤔. Therefore, in order to build more secured Web apps I wanted to explore the world of ethical hacking. Knowing the hacking possibilities, I could not only protect the users of my websites but also better protect myself.

But you may wonder what is ethical hacking? In short, it’s like hacking with legal approval from the target. It is also called penetration testing or offensive security. The goal of the ethical hacker is to find the security leaks in a system. The ethical hacker will use the same tools used by “malicious” hackers called black hat hackers 🏴‍☠️.

Learning ethical hacking can feel a bit intimidating at first 😬 because it’s hard to know where to start and where to find the right information, this post is here to clarify that and to give you enough hints to get started!



Learning Lab

Hello, I’m Sandoche Adittane. I learn about one topic every month and write a post about it!