Storyboards and Speed Dating

Han Xue
3 min readDec 9, 2019

After HOW MIGHT WE brainstorming, we groups our HOW MIGHT WE’s into four clusters, each of them expressing one of our main concerns and hope for this project. We set up a timer for five minutes for each cluster, and each wrote down some ideas or implementation designs for the cluster.

storyboard brainstorming

We then picked twenty of our most insightful ideas, and each took five to draw storyboards. Our storyboards include context, implementation environment and the outcome.

We provided a big pool of twenty storyboards for our instructor to see and conducted a speed dating with him. The intention of speed dating is to figure out what aspect the instructor feels fond of and is glad to integrate to his current instructional design. We deliberately leave about the same amount of all elements, low-tech/high-tech, hardware/software for him to see.

speed dating with our instructor

Our instructor gave us feedback that we previously did not anticipate. He mentioned that our ideas of AV/VR glasses might be distractions to students, that might not really suit a high school learning environment. We have not thought about this part before. He also mentioned that he likes designs that could help with the 3D modeling process since it is the nature of his maker space course.

instructor giving us feedback

We felt we had deeper understandings of him and his needs after this speed dating session, and finally, we agreed on combining two of our storyboard functions together. He likes our interactive whiteboard/table idea. Currently, most of his students write down brainstorming ideas and draw sketches on the whiteboard and glass board, he can imagine that students can play around with the interactive table to write down ideas or turn it back to a table. He suggested some improvements to make it combined with 3D modeling and how students can utilize this to improve their 3D making skills. Also, he liked the way we organize the files automatically by the format. He also mentioned wanting to have a comment function where he can interact with students and give timely feedback.

Speed-Dating Results

