SUBMISSION GUIDELINES — 18th March 2024 updated

Welcome to Learning Moments Publication

Learning Moments


Created on by the author: — Rainna

Hi there!

We are a publication of Learning Moments, where we share our most valuable life lessons. Life lessons are unique to each person, and I believe that we learn from each other’s life lessons and get inspired by their life stories.

I’m sure you have also treasured life lessons, and I’m inviting you to write for us. This is a non-judgmental, peaceful space to share your life lessons. The submission guidelines may change soon, so keep on checking here.

Topics we cover:

  • Life Lessons (anything you’ve learned in life)
  • Self Improvements (what improvements have you made in life?)
  • Pandemic Reflections (anything you’ve learned during these challenging times)

Your writing can be:

  • non-fiction
  • poetry
  • essays


I have added two section corners: Shortform and Health sections.

For the short-form section, you can write 150 to 200 words about what you have learned in life.

For the Health section, you can write about what you have learned about…



Learning Moments

Currently writing a memoir• I write about JESUS, life lessons, health, relationships & self-improvement•Featured in Thought Catalog & Elephant Journal🇵🇭🇨🇦