JavaScript Closures Explained in 3 Minutes

Per Harald Borgen
Learning New Stuff
3 min readJul 24, 2017


Closures in JavaScript tend to seem more difficult than it actually is. The essence is basically the following:

Closures enable functions to remember their surroundings.

More specifically: sometimes a function will need to remember the variables from the scope it was created in. It will do so with the help of a closure.

This is only relevant when a function is defined within another function.

A simple example

Let’s learn it through an example.

PS: If you’re more of a visual learner, take a look at the Scrimba screencast I’ve embedded below, which walks through the code from this article.

Take a good look at the code snippet below, and make sure you understand it:

function outerFunction(){    var message = 'howdy';    function greet() {
return greet;}

If we now try to console.log the message variable below this code, we’ll get undefined, as message is a private variable of the outerFunction’s scope, so you can not access it outside it scope.

=> 'undefined'

However, we can call outerFunction(), which will return the greet function, and then store the result in the outerGreet variable.

var outerGreet = outerFunction();

When we then call outerGreet(), we magically get access to the message variable again, as we can see it being logged into the console.

=> 'hodwy'

This is possible thanks to a closure, as the greet function remembered the surroundings it was created in. If the greet function was a person, it would think the following when it was created:

Hm…. My job is to log out the message variable. However, this variable isn’t defined within myself, but outside of myself. So I better remember it, so that I can use it later on, when I’m no longer in the same surroundings as I’m right now.

Peaking at the closure

The above concept might seem a bit abstract. However, it’s actually very concrete. Let’s peak into our greet function and have a look at the closure.

In the image below, I’ve pasted the code above into the console of a web page, and then accessed the outerGreet.prototype.

We’ll find the closure within a key called [[Scopes]].

The Scopes key is wrapped in double square brackets because it’s an internal property. This means you can’t access it from the outside. Only internal methods can access this data.

The first scope is called Closures. It also mentions in parenthesis which scope it remembers the variables from: the outerFunction. And as you can see: it remembers a variable message which has the value howdy.

There are of course more things to learn about closures, but this is the core idea.

Thanks for reading! My name is Per, and I’m the co-founder of Scrimba, a tool for creating interactive coding screencasts. Do check it out if you’re interested in learning more about web development!



Per Harald Borgen
Learning New Stuff

Co-founder of Scrimba, the next-generation coding school.