Highlights— A Chrome Extension To Highlight What Matters the Most to Me

How I organize my research work with ease and never skip a beat

Shubham Davey
Learning Paths
4 min readMay 8, 2019


Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

For a major part of this century, we humans have relied way too much on the internet to actually use our brains. The ones who are using it are making all the money they can.

But it’s not the money that matters, what matters is managing time. In the era when almost everyone is time deficient, I was looking for a solution that can slow down the process of research for good.

Slow down because I cannot keep running forever. Running through my history to find what I was supposed to save. I cannot always keep bookmarking something I want to read later.

Time is much bigger than we think, no one can actually “manage” or “adjust” time. No one has that control. You can manage something, only if you can control it.

All we can do is manage ourselves, adjust ourselves according to the time. There’s nothing we can do to add even one more second to 24 hours.

Speaking of managing myself, thanks to developers at Learning Paths to develop Highlights. A cute little Google Chrome Extension that sits in the browser and highlights everything that matters to me.

Simply select the text and highlight it. These highlights will sit in the dashboard and will be available across devices. You obviously need to sign in to be able to sync all the highlights and make it available.

How this extension has become the “Game Changer”?

I’m a digital marketing consultant, specializing in content marketing. I have a ton of research going on simultaneously on multiple topics. It takes a lot of energy to run through tabs back and forth looking for one single sentence that made a lot of sense to my research.

I’ve tried a lot of tools that do this exact thing, but none does it this well.

I used to copy such sentences from the source and paste it in a notepad. But when I need the source later, I have to skim through the whole chunk of browser history all over again.

Now, with Highlights sitting in my browser, I can have the URL saved along with the highlight.

My Digital Marketing blog — Btricks

The best part is, I can add notes and tags to each of the highlights to logically organize my work from every single page I research from.

To make it even more awesome, the extension will show the highlights you’ve made per page. You won’t see all the highlights every time you open the extension.

You’ll see something in the dashboard, only if you have something highlighted on any webpage. If not, you see nothing! No distraction :)

Furthermore, If I have a quick fact of figure that I’d like my audience on Twitter to know, I can share that highlight from the dashboard. If you have multiple highlights to be shared, you can share that as a thread on Twitter.

For some reason, you can share only on Twitter for now. Let’s hope more social media platforms are included, at least Email, to begin with.

My Digital Marketing blog — Btricks

Out of curiosity, I checked for a paid plan to see if there’s something better than these features. To my surprise, there are no paid plans to this extension, i.e. this extension is absolutely free for now.

Right now, I have around 1200 highlights saved in this tool and what if I want to search something specific?

I can simply use the search option in the dashboard to find what exactly I’m looking for. Obviously, I’ll have to skim through the search results, but mostly you’d get what you’re looking for in the first page, provided you have entered the right search query.

Highlights dashboard

Or if you are looking for something really specific, you can use the advanced search in the dashboard that will sort your highlights based on date.

Highlights advanced search

Simply put, I save a ton of time by simply highlighting the text on my Chrome browser and using the highlights when I’m publishing my work.

I don’t have to note down on a paper, that usually slows down the process. I write very slow, way slower than I can type on the keyboard. This makes me feel lazy to note the point in my research.

With Highlights chrome extension, I can do this way faster and efficiently.

I’m running faster and more efficient now. I’m creating more time for tomorrow by doing more things today. More significant things, effectively and efficiently.

Feel free to share this story with your friends who’re budding bloggers, it would be really helpful for them to begin this way.

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Clap, if you feel ‘helped’ :)

