Search Tips for Advanced Users

Learning Paths
Learning Paths
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2019

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Tips for Advanced Search

We recently made some enhancements to the search feature in our product. If you are interested in what are the changes we made and how we made them technically you can check out our article titled Enhancing Search With Elastic.

Here are the tips that can come handy to you.

1 . You can search directly from your dashboard.

2 . As you search the url is updated automatically. You can bookmark these search queries for later use.

3 . Similar to your dashboard you can search within your public highlights and you can also search within public highlights by all the users. You can go to these options by clicking on the User Menu on the top right.

4. The free text search is powerful. It searches for the entered keywords in all the fields that is URL, highlighted text, added notes and tags.

Free text search

5. The search is also fuzzy, so you don’t need to worry if you make small mistakes or typos.

6. We also have an advanced search where you can search within particular fields specifically.

Advanced Search

7. If you are a power user and prefer typing you can also use these options in the free text search. The labels in the Advanced Search pop up should give you an idea.

8. You can sort your results based on Relevancy and Date.

9. If you want to look for the text learningpaths in the added notes you can use the following query inNote:learningpaths or you can directly visit the url

10. inField operator is a fuzzy field. So when you say inNote:learningpaths results with the text learningpaths in notes will appear first. But it will also show results which contain this text in other fields.

11. If you are looking for an exact filter then you can use the operator hasField. So query hastag:learning will return only those results which have the text learning in the tag field.

12. From the dashboard you can click on any tag to filter the results by that tag.

We will keep adding more features to Search. Keep visiting this space.

