The Internet of Things meets Science Education

Graham Brown-Martin
Learning {Re}imagined


Solving big city challenges with primary school children

The Urban Citizen Science Programme (UCS) was designed and deployed by Loop Labs Ltd in partnership with Lambeth Council. The programme uses air quality and activity sensors on the Internet of Things to catalyse conservations in schools and in the community about air quality and the benefits of walking.

Currently designed as a prototype with an intention to refine, develop and scale across London and other urban cities the programme objective is to catalyse conversations within the community about air quality that will lead to long term and durable behaviour change such as an increase in walking and reduced car use for short journeys.

Loop Labs is a non-profit organisation founded by former London Deputy Mayor, Nicky Gavron. The UCS programme was conceived by Graham Brown-Martin and project managed by Iram Quraishi.School deployment and lesson plans were designed by Caroline Hardman. Community engagement and support was delivered by Kabelo Thomo. Project assistance was provided by Francesca Piazza. Programme evaluation and guidance was provided by Han Pham of Intel Labs Europe.

Download a flyer here or contact Loop Labs for further information.

