Writing SQL Like a Pro: Advanced Techniques Showcased in a Real-Life Scenario

Merging two history tables using advanced SQL techniques with Google’s BigQuery.

Furcy Pin
Learning SQL
9 min readMar 5, 2024


Image by author, generated with Stable Diffusion using the prompt “A pixel art landscape representing advanced SQL techniques, high quality”. I’ve been told that having a nice image is better for SEO, so here it is.

Last week, Arnaud Stephan, a fellow Analytics Engineer, asked for help with an advanced use case that I found very interesting. After spending a couple of hours helping him, I thought it would make a perfect subject for a blog article, and I asked for his permission to discuss this advanced real-life problem in public and publish the associated code.

So, let’s saddle up and get ready for some advanced hands-on SQL with my favorite engine: Google BigQuery!

(Note: To preserve anonymity, I replaced the IDs and values with dummy ones.)

About the author:

I am a freelance Analytics Engineer / Data Platform Engineer with more than 12 years of experience in SQL and Big Data. I love to play with complex SQL/DataFrame topics, so if you’re stuck on challenging problems that you can’t crack with SQL, don’t hesitate to reach out; I might be able to help.

The Problem

First, let’s give some context: We have data from a grocery retailer selling multiple articles in multiple shops. For each article inside each shop, they track the pricing history of these articles. The corresponding data is contained in the table sell_price_history, which looks like this:

I decided to keep the first rows for this example because this is the kind of weird stuff you get when working with “real” data. The person I helped explained to me that some other columns (that they did not include in the example) did change, so it was important for them to keep those lines, even when the price was null. Image by author.

But each shop can also create promotions for any article, in which case the promotion_value would replace the original article price. A second table named promotion_history has the corresponding data:

Image by author.

The problem then follows: We want to “merge” these two event tables into one single table that will give us, for each article, the history of prices, including the effects of promotions.

In other words, the expected result we want should look like this:

Image by author.

To give a more visual illustration, we want to merge two tables describing ranges of events.

The problem we want to solve. Image by author.

The (Incorrect) Solution

To make things a bit more lively, I will walk you through how I solved the problem. I had a rough idea that to achieve that, I needed to decompose each table into a kind of “event timeline” and then merge the two timelines and fill in the blanks. This might sound a bit fuzzy for now, but so did it when I started solving the problem. Don’t worry; things will get clearer soon.

Step 1: Co-locating the Data

The very first thing I did before even trying to think about how to solve the problem was join the two tables together and group the data by shop_id and article_id, like this:

Image by author.

For those of you not familiar with nested structures in BigQuery, this might look a bit weird at first, so here is a detailed explanation of how the data structures are organized:

Image by author.

There are multiple reasons for me to prefer this way of arranging things:

  • Simplicity: Co-locating the data for each article allows me to reason on a single-row basis.
  • Performance: Thanks to this pre-grouping, all the computations I will perform will be made at the row level. For those familiar with MapReduce, there will only be Map steps, no Reduce, and most of all, no Shuffle, which is generally the most resource-intensive part.
    This is not “crucial” on BigQuery, as query price is only based on the amount of data read and not processed, but it would be on other engines, and I like to optimize my code.
  • Storage efficiency: Since shop_id and article_id are not repeated at each line, this representation takes less storage space for the same quantity of information. This doesn’t make much sense on a toy dataset like this, but to get an idea, the total size of the two input tables was 720b, but the size of the output table (which contains the very same information) was only 412b. Multiply this by billions of lines, and you might notice a price difference.

The main drawbacks are that most people aren’t used to it, so they might require some effort to learn how to query it properly, and many metadata tools (data catalogs, data diff, etc.) don’t support nested structures very well yet.

But enough digressing. That subject alone would deserve a whole article, so let’s go back to the task at hand.

Step 2: Merging the Two Histories

Next, we perform a union between the two history tables like this:

To understand this query, imagine that price_history is like a mini-table contained inside the top-level row. Then “SELECT … FROM UNNEST(price_history)” is a way to query this mini-table while staying inside the top-level row. “SELECT AS STRUCT” is just a way to wrap the result of the select inside a STRUCT. Image by author.

Step 3: Filling in the Blanks

Finally, we use the last_value window function to keep the last non-null value in the event orders, to fill in the blanks, or should I say the NULLs.

The results look good but aren’t. Look closely at the highlighted line. Image by author.

While this result does look like the result we are looking for, sharp readers might already have caught that it is, in fact, incorrect.

Why This Does Not Work:

This would have worked if the promotions went on without any interruption, but if we look more closely at our input data, we see that this is not the case: We do have an interruption between the first and the second promotions. This interruption is not visible in the previous screenshot, as we can see on the line highlighted in blue.

The input table “promotion_history” where we highlighted the interruption between promotions. The first promotion ended on 2022–05–18, while the second promotion only started on 2023–06–14, more than one year later. Image by author.

The (Correct) Solution

Now, we will see how the previous (incorrect) solution can be fixed, with more detailed explanations of what is happening.

Step 1: Co-locating the Data [Nothing to Change]

Step 1 was just a preparation step. We can keep it as is.

Step 2: Transforming Date Ranges into Timelines and Merging Them

Our intuition of merging the two timelines was good, but we missed the fact that the date ranges could be discontinuous. To fix this, the first step we must achieve is to transform our “history”, which is made of date ranges (from start_date to end_date), into an event timeline, made only of events (just one event_date), without losing any information.

Schematically, this will look like this:

Schematical representation of going from a history (date range) to event representation. Image by author.

Here, the “missing” values have been represented with the magic number -1. This is because in step 3. we don’t want to treat them the same way as NULLs when we use the window function last_value(… ignore nulls). Arguably, this is a code smell, but we will keep it for the sake of simplicity in this article.

Once this is done, we will simply merge the two timelines with a UNION like this:

Schematical representation of unioning two timelines. Image by author.

So, what does the code look like? Let’s focus only on promotions for a while. The first step is to retrieve the “start_datetime” of the next event; this will help us detect when there is a discontinuity:

LAG(start_datetime) OVER (ORDER BY start_datetime DESC) as next_event_datetime
FROM UNNEST(promotion_history)
ORDER BY start_datetime
) as promotion_history,

The second step consists of introducing new events whenever such a discontinuity happens, like this:

FROM UNNEST(promotion_history)
-1 as promotion_value,
FROM UNNEST(promotion_history)
WHERE end_datetime < next_event_datetime OR next_event_datetime IS NULL
) as events

The second part of the union is what reintroduces the previously missing “end-events”:

Circled in green are the newly added end-events. Image by author.

Bringing everything back together, we get a query in two parts:

Part 1: Retrieving the “start_datetime” of the next event. Image by author.
Part 2: Adding the end-event and merging the two timelines. We do both in one go which is why we are unioning 4 sub-tables together. Note that we also used a magic value “” for the promotion_id. Image by author.

Step 3: Filling in the Blanks + Replacing Magic Values

Now that this is done, the previous query from step 3 gives us a result that looks almost like the one we want:

This is the same query as in our first (incorrect) solution. But the inputs are different, so the output looks much better. Image by author.

The window function last_value(… ignore nulls) allows us to fill in the blanks, and the window function lead lets us retrieve the end_dates to re-form our date ranges.

All we need to do next is perform some cleaning to remove the magic values -1 and “”:

Image by author.

We perform one final query to compute the price_with_promotion_included and one final unnest since we want the final results to be flat (shop_id and article_id are repeated at every row).

Removing the magic values with NULLIF and performing one final COALESCE to compute the price_with_promotion_included. Images by author.

And that’s it, we are done!


We managed to compute what we wanted in four or five steps. I think this problem is a good example of something that looks simple at first sight but is rather tricky to do with SQL. This is the kind of advanced transformation where I recommend considering the trade-off between writing the logic in pure SQL vs. writing a User Defined Function (UDF) in another language (Python, Scala, Javascript, or whatever), if possible. The UDF has the advantage of making the code more generic and safe (with unit tests). However, it has the drawback of being generally less efficient and more costly compared to pure SQL.

As an exercise, if you want some practice, I recommend trying to rewrite this exercise yourself with one of the following variants:

  • Rewrite this without using magic values.
    (Hint: Add an event_status column that can take the value “ON” or “OFF”.)
  • Rewrite this without using ARRAYS or STRUCT.
    (Hint: It is quite doable, but the windows might need an extra “PARTITION BY shop_id, article_id”.)
  • Rewrite it using your favorite dbt-like tool.
    (I voluntarily did not use dbt here to keep this blog post accessible to most.)
  • Try to write this in a fully generic way: The query should work with any number of columns in the input tables and keep working even if we add a new column in the input table without updating the query.
    (Hint: I’m not sure this one is possible in pure-SQL because when I tried, I noticed that BigQuery seems unable to automatically cast NULLs into complex types when performing a union. This might be a nice challenge to do with bigquery-dataframes or bigquery-frames, though).
  • With DataFrames, it’s probably even possible to make a fully generic transformation that would work automatically with any number of history tables.

Finally, if you want to learn more about how to work with arrays, you can start with this awesome page from BigQuery’s documentation, and if you would like to see more articles on that specific subject from me, please leave a comment to let me know.

That’s all for today. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it.

I leave you with the full query used in this article (rewritten with CTEs) and the full explanation graph. The code and the data samples are available here. Enjoy ;-)


Here are all the links shared in this article:

The full query is 124 lines long. Images by author.



Furcy Pin
Learning SQL

[Available for freelance work] Data Engineer, Data Plumber, Data Librarian, Data Smithy.