What this blog is about

Nat Pryce
Learning, Teaching, Pairing
1 min readSep 2, 2017

This blog explores pair programming between developers who have different levels of skill and seniority.

Our aim is to help senior and junior developers create a nurturing learning experience when sharing the screen and to overcome challenges that frequently occur.

In the course of the blog, we will draw the reader’s attention to and demystify the following:

  • the roles both developers play in the pairing relationship
  • what junior and senior developers need from pairing sessions, and how to meet those needs
  • the influence of social, organizational and psychological aspects on the effectiveness of the practice
  • the common challenges junior & senior programmers face when working together
  • and of course, how to overcome them

This blog builds on the work published in “Pair-Programming from a Beginner’s Perspective”. It will report our own experiences and lessons learned, findings of the workshops we run at conferences and organizations, interviews with other engineers, and results from empirical software engineering research.

We are confident that in the process of writing we will discover more points of discussion to add to the above list. Stay tuned!

