Types in the Go Programming Language

Vladimir Vivien
Learning the Go Programming Language
9 min readFeb 22, 2016


One aspect of the Go language that may cause newcomers to scratch their heads in wonder is the type system. Go types are simple and straightforward. However, a grounded understanding of the fundametal characteristics of Go types helps lowering the number of frustrating moments when adopting the language. This writeup presents a condensed (really, it is) summary of types and type system rules that new Go programmers and even current practitioners may find useful.

This writeup leaves out discussions on pointer, function, and interface types to keep things short(er). These topics may be discussed in future writeups.

Strictly Typed

As a strictly typed language, Go has a rich type system with a multitude of types to represent data of many forms. Unlike a language like Java (where there are only primitive and reference types), Go has types to represent textual, numeric, boolean, pointer, composite, function, and interface values.

As we will cover in detail later, each type is distinct. Once a variable is declared to be of a certain type, it can only carry values of that type. This is true even with types of similar memory layout. For instance, the following will break at compilation without an explicit conversion.

var counter int
counter = 5
var mask int32
mask = counter // type mismatch

Variable Declaration & Initialization

Let’s quickly review how variables are declared and initialized. If you know this stuff already, skip ahead to the next section. As you saw above, variables can be declared with the key word var followed by an identifier and the type of the variable. A variable can also be initialized in the declaration step as shown below.

var counter int = 5
var message string = "Hello"

This is known as the long form declaration. We can actually drop the type on the right side of the variable identifier and let the type system automatically assign type int to variable counter and type string to message.

var counter = 5
var message = "Hello"

There’s even a shorter form (only allowed inside a function) that is commonly used in Go code where the var keyword is dropped. It declares a variable and assigns it a value using the “:=” operator as shown below.

func main(){
counter := 5
message := "Hello"

Note that when a variable is declared without a specific type (as in the case above) the type system will use the assigned value literal to determine the type assigned to the variable. From the above example, variable counter will be an int and variable message will be a string (detailed later).

Zero Value

Lastly, one common aspect of all types in Go is the notion of zero value. When a variable is declared, and not explicitly initialized, it will be allocated storage with a default value, appropriate for the type, known as the type’s zero value. The following illustrates some zero values.

var message string  // default value ""
var factor float32 // default value 0
var enabled bool // false

Pre-Declared (Named) Types

Most types in Go can be given an identifier (or name) that represents the type. Go, for instance, comes with a set of built-in pre-declared (named) primitive types that can be used to represent textual, numeric, and boolean values.


They are immutable text values that are utf-8 encoded to represent unicode characters as shown below. The zero value of an uninitialized string is the empty string “” (not the nil reference). String values can be initialized with text literals surrounded by double quotes. The following shows a string with an embedded Unicode value of 00B0 escaped with \u.

message := "It is 42\u00B0 F outside!"// printed as
It is 42° F outside!

String values can also be surrounded by back quotes (grave accents) `` for raw multi-line unencoded text as shown in the following example.

message := `
It is 42 \u00B0 F
// prints
It is 42 \u00B0 F outside!


Go has several types, with different internal sizes, that can be used to store integer values as listed below:

int{8,16,32,64} — singed integers of 8,16,32,64 bit in size (int32, int64, etc)
uint{8,16,32,64} — unsigned integers of 8,16,32,64 bit in size (i.e. uint8)
byte — alias for and equivalent to uint8
rune — used to represent characters, alias for and equivalent to int32
int — signed integers of at least 32-bit in size, not equivalent to int32
uint — unsigned integers of at least 32-bit; not equivalent to uint32
uintptr — dedicated for storing memory address pointers

Uninitialized, integral types have a zero value of 0. Integers can be initialized with constant literals which can be expressed as a decimal, octal, and hex as shown below

var color uint32 = 0xFEFEFE  // hex (0x prefix)
var mod = 0466 // octal (0 prefix)
count := 1245 // decimal

When untyped variables (mod and count for instance) are initialized with integer literals, the type system automatically assign type int to these variables.


Floats can have types float32 and float64 represented with 32 and 64-bit sizes in memory respectively. An uninitialized float has a zero value of 0. Floating point values can be initialized with decimal literals that can include a decimal point and an exponent as shown.

var pi float32 = 3.1415
avogadro := 6.0221409e+1

Note that in cases of an untyped variable declaration, the type system will automatically assign float64 to a float variable.

Go can also represent complex numbers with types complex64 and complex128. Each type use float32 and float64, respectively, to represent their real and imaginary parts.


Boolean values can be stored in the bool type in Go. This type can only be assigned pre-declared values of true or false. The zero value of a boolean value is false. The following declares variable enabled and assign type bool to it with initial value of true.

enabled := false

Composite (Unnamed) Types

Go supports the notion of composite types, such as arrays, slices, maps, and structs as building blocks for new types. Composite types are known as “unnamed types”, because they use a type literal to represent the structural definition of the type, instead of using a simple name identifier.

Unlike its named counterpart, unnamed composite types use literals for value initialization that are composed of type (itself) and a literal text that represents the value. As you read this section pay attention how literals are formed for arrays, slices, maps, and structs.


Go arrays are containers for storing sequenced values, of the same type, that are numerically indexed. For instance, the following declares variable triple as a 3-element integer array type [3]int.

var triple [3]int

It is important to understand that the type for variable triple is [3]int. This means triple can only be assigned 3-element int array values. The following will cause a compilation error.

var double [2]int
double = triple
$> cannot use triple (type [3]int) as type [2]int in assignment

The zero value of an uninitialized array is pre-filled with the zero value of the array’s declared element as shown below.

var double [2]int       // zero value [0, 0]
var steps [3]string // zero value ["", "", ""]

Arrays are initialized with a composite literal value that represents the array type and the sequence of values in the array. The following example declares and initializes a 3-element array.

var steps [3]string = [3]string{"SEND", "RCVD", "WAIT"}

This can be simplified using the shorter form of declaration and initialization as follows.

steps := [3]string{"SEND", "RCVD", "WAIT"}

Note that arrays are a bit inflexible as a container type. The size of an array is not dynamic. In addition, as soon as the size of an array changes, it becomes a new type (i.e. [3]string is different from [4]string) which makes it cumbersome for type reuse.


Given the limitations of arrays above, the slice is the idiomatic type used for sequentially ordered types. The slice is a composite type with semantics similar to arrays. In fact, a slice uses an array as its underlying datastore.

steps := []string{"SEND", "RCVD", "WAIT"}

The obvious difference, in the previous code snippet, is the absence of the size in the type specifier which means the slice type can represent all sets of the declared element.

The zero value of an uninitialized slice is the reference value of nil. The following will cause a runtime panic of a Go program.

var points []int  // uninitialized slice
points[0] = 12 // nil slice, causes panic

Before a slice is ready to be used, it must be initialized using a composite literal value (as shown in the snippet earlier for variable steps), or it must be made using the built-in function make().

points := make([]int,2)
points[0] = 12
points [1] = 24

The make() function creates and allocates enough memory for the number of specified elements (second param) with each element initialized with its zero value.


Go maps are composite types for storing elements of the same type indexed by an arbitrary hash key value. Similar to previous composite types, the map type literal expresses the structure of the map by declaring the type of the map key and that of its elements.

var row map[string][]string  // key string, elements []string type
var collision map[[2]int]int // key [2]int, elements int type

An uninitialized map (as above) has a nil value where any attempt to place data will cause a runtime panic. A map value may be initialized using a composite literal that specifies the map type followed by its element values.

data := map[string][]int {
"men": []int{32, 55, 12, 55, 42, 53},
"women":[]int{44, 42, 23, 41, 65, 44},

Using the composite literal form, each element entry, in the map, is composed of a value for the key, followed by a “:”, and the value for the element. Similar to the slice, a map variable can also be initialized using the make() function to initialize the underlying storage to receive data.

cal := make(map[string]int)
cal["Jan"] = 100
cal["Feb"] = 445
cal["Mar"] = 514


A struct is a composite type that stores zero or more elements indexed by a named identifier known as a field. The struct type literal specifies the name of each field in the struct as shown the following declarations.

var car struct{make, model string}
var currency struct{name, country string; code int}
var node struct{
edges []string
weight int
empty struct{} // an empty struct type

It is important to note that, similar to arrays, the entire struct block is the type. A struct is equivalent if it is declared the exact same elements in the same order. For instance, the following will not compile.

var car struct{make, model string}
var bike struct{model, model string} = car
$> cannot use car (type struct { make string; model string }) as type struct { model string; make string } in assignment

As with previous composite types, initializing a struct can be done with a composite literal value made up of the struct type followed a set of field values as illustrated below.

var car struct{make,model string} = struct{make,model string}{
"make": "Ford",
"model": "f150",
empty := struct{}{} // empty struct initialized

Type Declaration

As you have seen, Go type literals take many forms. It would be absurd (and exhausting), however, to have to redeclare a composite type (like a struct for instance) every time it is needed.

Luckily, Go supports an idiomatic way to declare types by binding an identifier to an existing underlying type. The following declares two types: engSize with underlying type uint8 and vehicle with underlying type struct{make, model string; engSize}.

type engSize uint8
type vehicle struct {
make, model string
engine engSize
ford := vehicle{"ford", "f150", 8}
toyo := vehicle{make:"toyota", engine:4}

Once declared the newly created type can be used wherever its underlying type is allowed. It should be noted that a declared type is considered to be different from its underlying built-in type.

type engSize uint8
var size uint8 = 6
var fordEng engSize = size
$> cannot use size (type uint8) as type engSize in assignment

The compiler considers type engSize to be different from its underlying type uint8 (that is strict typing for you).

Type Conversion

The last topic for this write up, is that of type conversion. As explained earlier, each type is considered different. To cross type boundaries, you must use type conversion expressions to convert from one compatible type to another. The previous example can be fixed by converting variable size to engSize as follows.

type engSize uint8
var size uint8 = 6
var fordEng engSize = engSize(size) // conversion expression

Here is another example to drive the point home. The following will fail compilation because the addition expression is mixing the types.

var count int32
var actual int
var test int64 = actual + count
$> invalid operation: actual + count (mismatched types int and int32)

A conversion expression must be applied to cross the boundaries of the different types to fix the addition.

var test int64 = int64(int32(actual) + count)


This writeup was meant to be a summary to help new comers understand the rules of the Go type systems. It covers built-in and composite types. There are much detail left out, but this should provide a good starting point to understanding Go and its types. I intentionally left out discussion on pointers, functions, and interfaces as they bring their own implications.

Any feedback is welcome. If this was useful, share and recommend to others interested in Go!

Vladimir Vivien — twitter/@vladimirvivien

