5 Easy Skills !

Madison Rozler
Learning Time Management
3 min readMar 2, 2018

While scrolling through Medium, doing more research on the soft skill, Time Management, I came across an article called 5 Time Management Skills to Master Before You’re 30, published by TimeCamp. This article starts off by stating the sooner you turn these skills into habits, the sooner you will be able to manage your time much easier. These 5 things should start to happen naturally if you continue to incorporate them into your everyday life.

The first skill the author talks about is scheduling. Creating a schedule every morning or every night for the next day will help you to stay on track and not get distracted. You will know what you must do for the day and not get thrown off by little distractions. This will also allow you to leave yourself free time for all the unexpected things that will happen in life.

Source: www.whswrestling.com/2017/12/01/tentative-season-schedule/.

The second skill the author talks about is completing the hard tasks first. Often, we like to start off doing the easiest task that we have first, leaving the hardest tasks for last. If you complete the hardest tasks first, it will leave the easier tasks for you later in the day so the rest of your day is easy. The author states, “Schedule the three most important tasks for the first half of the day and check them off” (TimeCamp, 2016). This way, you can go through your day knowing the hardest part is already done.

Next, you should practice the skill of managing your correspondence. Plan a time in the day for which you will answer emails. You could plan to do this in the morning or before you leave the office. Often, we ignore our personal messages because our work messages are overloading us. Planning a time to answer all emails will allow time for you to be able to answer all emails, business and personal.

Along with planning time to answer your emails, you should also practice control of your cell phone/social media. Having a smartphone at our fingertips every second of every day can cause us to lose lots of valuable time and cause lots of distractions. It requires lots of self-control to be able to keep yourself off social media, but practicing this skill every day will help make it easier.

The last skill the writer talks about it prioritizing. Everything in your life should have equal importance. You simply cannot cram all your work into one day. You need to decide when and how much time you need to dedicate to each task at hand.

These 5 skills are easy skills that will help immensely in managing your time effectively. Applying them to your everyday life and practicing them will help them to become easier and more normal each and every day.

SOURCE: TimeCamp. “5 Time Management Skills To Master Before You’re 30.” Medium, Medium, 1 June 2016, medium.com/@timecamp/5-time-management-skills-to-master-before-youre-30-bd9438f3810.

