5 Time Management Hacks

Madison Rozler
Learning Time Management
2 min readMar 4, 2018

After reading a blog post posted by another student, Summer Yu, on time management, I found 5 more important tips on how to manage your time for effectively. As I learned before, making a schedule for the day or week is an important tip. Listing your tasks from most important to least important will help you manage your time well.

Another thing I read in Summer’s blog post was to declutter and organize. No one can work well with a mess around them. This can add additional stress and distractions to you that you most definitely do not need. “Working in a clean and organized space will help you focus on the task at hand” (Yu, 2018). This means you should throw away all unnecessary things at your desk and keep only the essentials.

Along with decluttering and organizing, you should learn to not multitask. Even though it does help you get more things done at once, it produces a product of lower quality. When you are focused on too many things at once, you cannot put all your hard work and attention into just one thing. It is simply impossible. Learn to leave enough time for every task at hand.

Source: https://giphy.com/gifs/Nx85vtTY70T3W

Maximizing your time is a great skill to have for time management. Everyone has down time in the day whether it be 5 minutes or an hour. Take this time to do some of the work you must do. I know it doesn’t seem like much time so why bother even starting, but this can help you get a head start and leaves less for you to do later.

The last thing I read about in this blog post was waking up early. Waking up early is the key to time management. If you waste hours of the day sleeping, you cannot get work done. There are not always enough hours in the day to get all your work done, epically waking up at 11 am. Wake up at 8 am or 6 am instead and get some work done. Usually, at this time, most people will be sleeping and you won’t have very many distractions. Also, it will get you up and ready for the day. You won’t feel tired and unmotivated; you will feel awake and motived to get more tasks done and out of the way.

I plan to apply these 5 tips to my everyday life and master them, to help master the soft skill, time management.

Yu, Summer. “Time Management Hacks — Managing Your Time Effectively — Medium.” Medium,Managing Your Time Effectively, 1 Mar. 2018, medium.com/importance-of-time-management/procrastination-1dc0f538ad05

