Planning Your Day

Madison Rozler
Learning Time Management
2 min readMar 3, 2018

Making a schedule is a great way to manage your time effectively. I recently created a schedule for the busy day I knew I had ahead. The night before, I sat down and made a list of everything I knew I had to do that next day. I learned to get the harder stuff out of the way first, so the top of my schedule was filled with all my hard tasks like homework assignments I knew would be challenging and take a long time. After that, I left some time to be able to answer my text messages and emails I received. Then, I had to go to work for 5 and a half hours so those hours on my schedule were locked in at work. For the hours after work, I assigned time to see my friends and to relax a little bit before having to study for a test. I left the rest of my night to studying. I left the time of lying in bed to go on social media to see what happened that day. After going through my day going on the schedule I made, I found my day went a lot smoother and easier for me, compared to other stressful days.

I learned that everything in your life must have equal importance. Nothing should be more important than something else you must complete. You will not be able to fit everything you must do into one day, so you need to leave time for yourself to complete those tasks on other days. If you know you will not have time to finish all the things you need to, say no to future opportunities and focus on the ones you have at hand. You don’t want to not put full effort into one thing because you have something else that needs to be done.

I will continue to use the 5 skills I learned in the article 5 Time Management Skills to Master Before You’re 30 by TimeCamp every day in the future. Applying these skills will help me master the skill of time management.


