Practicing Time Management Skills

Madison Rozler
Learning Time Management
2 min readMar 5, 2018

Recently I read a blog post posted by another student at the University of Buffalo based on time management skills. One topic I read about was the importance of waking up early, giving yourself enough time to complete all the tasks you must do that day. I started my day by waking up at 6 o’clock A.M. I did my normal morning routine; brushed my teeth, took a shower, and got ready for the day.

Then I had some extra downtime, so I completed a small homework task I knew would not take very long. Another technique I learned while reading my fellow student’s blog post was to maximize your time. Use every extra minute you have in your day doing something you wouldn’t normally do and you will start to see those few extra minutes help a lot in managing your time.

Multitasking is something all of us think we can do without any problems when in reality no one can multitask effectively. While multitasking, it is impossible to put all your attention and hard work into just one task. The quality of the work you produce will not be as good as if you didn’t multitask and just had focused on that one task. I applied this while at work, doing prep for the restaurant. I must do many things by myself in a certain amount of time. This causes huge amounts of stress on me, causing me to try and do more than one thing at a time. I took the tip of not multitasking and did one thing at a time. I found that my meat was sliced nicer and the rest of the food was prepped better. I actually finished faster and I felt way less stressed while doing it.

The last tips I read about in this blog post were to make a schedule for your day along with decluttering and organizing. I removed all unnecessary papers, books, and junk from the desk I do homework at and I felt less overwhelmed and more focused on my work.

I found these tips were great and very helpful in helping me manage my time more effectively.


