Time Management

Madison Rozler
Learning Time Management
2 min readFeb 20, 2018

I am planning to research time management. Time management is “the ability to use one’s time effectively or productively, especially at work.”

I am researching this because it is important to me. Being able to manage your time effectively plays a big role in many aspects of life. Being in school, working, and having a social life is a lot to handle. Learning time management skills will help me balance all my workloads while still making time for friends and family. Everyone can benefit from my findings. Teachers, parents, office workers, etc. I believe having time management skills also helps you become less stressed and everyone could use ways to help them to become less stressed and overwhelmed while at work, school, etc.

Some questions I have about this soft skill are how much time should you spend on specific tasks? When feeling overwhelmed at work, what should you do? How do you decide which tasks to do first? What is the best way to balance work, school, and a social life? I hope to find answers to all of these questions, as they would help me manage my time more effectively in my everyday life.

My goal for the end of this project is to have learned new ways to manage my time effectively and improve my skills in time management. I will measure my progress by how much more effectively I get work done and I will also use how stressed I feel after applying these skills to my school and work days. I plan to achieve this goal by doing lots of research and practicing the skills that I learn and applying them to my everyday life. Practicing these skills will help me get better and will also show me ways that maybe won’t work the best for me.

