Who’s The New Guy?

Sharing pieces of my life one story at a time

Evan Deubner
Learning To Fail


Photo by Tony Yakovlenko on Unsplash

I’m standing in a hotel hallway staring down 3 cops. I remember only having one thought in my brain. I want the cops to understand that I understand that they understand that I’m naked.

I’m like “I’m on your side.. what are we going to do about this?”

The female officer told me to cover my genitals. I thought that was pointless. I mean — I’m naked. You’ve already seen them. I try to give a wink and a nod to make her understand but she did not understand.

They ask me if my wife is OK? My first reaction is — How do you know my wife? I say “What the fuck does that mean?” They did not like that at all.

They come at me fast. They don’t subdue me but they do have a key card for my room and they open the door. One officer grabs my arm and pulls me in.

Nobody is in there. I have half a 6 pack of Bud Ice left and a programming book on the bed and a suitcase with a couple days worth of clothing. Which they search immediately.

They look at me for a long time. Then one officer speaks. “Do you have a history of mental illness?” I still don’t know exactly what is happening. I say “I’m a computer tech staying in town to install new software at a local pharmacy.” I’m pretty sure they took that as a…



Evan Deubner
Learning To Fail

Striving to achieve impossible things, because impossible things are all I have left to achieve