douban and doub read

JiaCheng Yue
2 min readFeb 25, 2018


In fact, there are a lot of douban branches, douban reading is just one of them.

douban is a community website. Founded on March 6, 2005. The website starts with a book of books and provides information on books, movies, music and other works, both by the user and by description, as well as being a Web 2.0 site. Website also provides book video recommended, offline city activities, group topics exchange, and other service functions.

In fact, after a decade of development, the douban has become nearly profitable in 2012 but its business model has been questioned. In the future, whether it is financing or going public, it needs a better financial performance. Its main source of revenue all brand advertising, in the absence of a better profit model to find ways to reduce costs is the best way. So in 2014 Douban conducted a major structural adjustment, that is, an independent watercress reading.

The main content of douban reading is divided into three parts. The traditional publishing books are electronic. Since the publication of e-books and other electronic books published by other agencies, I think the only difference is that when we read e-books, The amount is also very small, as of September 12, 2015, statistics are 8617 authors and 5838 works. I think part of the reason is that Douban read the threshold for its content review is very strict. And later split out of the douban reading to live on their own, which is both an opportunity and a challenge for the douban reading.

Douban reading coverage of the Web, iOS, Android and other platforms, the monthly influx of billions of users for data mining, the work will be better recommended to people who may like it. Douban read after the split recruitment page reads: “is currently more than 20 small business start-up team,” compared to read the number one hundred people read is indeed too small, but I think the small business team is the most courageous and most courageous Innovative. Because I really like this software, because I myself would like to have a book in my life. Look forward to Douban reading has a better performance.

