
Yedan Tao
2 min readJan 28, 2018


Last week, I made a presentation about gamification. I talked many points about gamification, such as the definition, who is gamifying, why use gamification and what is the situation that cannot use gamification. Although many enterprises (NBC’s Fans It! Platform) and social media platforms (Foursquare) are designed with gamification to interact with users, encourage them to repeatedly visits and write commend, join social plug-ins, etc. I would like to talk about two example of companies use gamification.

SAMSUNG integrated social loyalty program, Samsung Nation and website. People can receive badges, points and levels to reward achievements for visiting pages, reviewing products, watching videos, participating in Q&As, Liking products and registering products etc.users can see what other users are doing. When they participate in the “mission”, their friends will also be notified. Samsung Nation has done a great job of successfully using gamification to effectively interact with customers. It can also keep up with the theme, increase the number of page views, users understanding about products will be enhanced, encourage users to express opinions, and share with friends.

Nike as a shoe company developed an app named Nike Plus for buyers to run more and more. This App can record running distance, speed and other data. Also, it use gamification, for instance, the fastest speed, the farthest distance. Besides, it can establish goals and challenges, for example, compare yourself to previous times. You can get a trophy or a medal once finished the goals. Nike Plus combined with points, medals, shared to media to make seemingly boring run become a daily activities that make people like.

In conclusion, there are two example of gamification. Both illustrate that gamification can make people to do something in delight.

