Learn CX, not just UX.

Andrii Demko
2 min readJan 19, 2018


One of the most complicated design challenges is to create products not just for users, but for companies as well. If we, as designers, focus only on User Experience (UX), we may end up building products that will have bad Company Experience (CX). These products will be difficult to develop or sell. As a result, companies may go out of business and all UX work that you did will be not needed.

Pay attention and learn CX. Company Experience is a way designers start creating products being at the same time in shoes of business analysts, sales professionals, developers, project managers, and others. If done right, end products are perfect solutions for everyone. Users use them to solve their problems. At the same time companies them to make money, employ people, and pay taxes.

Creating new products require huge funds. The challenge is to get simple prototypes to test markets first and not over-engineer it. Also, solutions must be easy to maintain and easy to scale from day one. Designers need to think how to make desired products with the least resources available, as it usually happens in early stages of any ideas development.

Products will never see the word if people do not buy it. All work will be useless. In a CX process when designers understand sales processes, they will be able to adjust them to market needs and be sure companies are on track to make money. Sometimes what clients want and what they buy can be different.

Great designers create great products. Great products satisfy all stakeholders. Great products have great UX and great CX.

