The importance of collaboration in UX design Process

zerun Wang
3 min readFeb 29, 2016


Before we start, let’s figure out what is collaboration, the definition of collaboration is people or from different fields working together, share their ideas and thoughts to achieve common goal.

The collaboration happens in many fields , such as, students working together for the assignment , business men working together for order, designers working together for the client, ect. Now I would like to talk about collaboration in UX design.

“If at all possible, you should always do collaborative design work with clients. You need to understand the problem as they see it.” — Adrian Howard

UX means user experience, which also means this field of designers should pay more attention on users or clients. whether you organize or design delivers software , product or something like that, purchase decision by prospective customers are made based on the user experience. So I divide UX collaboration process into two stage.

1.Stage one -collaborate with people who had same goal as you.

At the beginning, if you are a leader and accept a project, which also you need to work in a team and with people who from different fields of career. Due to different contexts, you need to listen a lot of opinions from them and to organize them with your patience. Don’t be mad and to make decision by yourself, others comments are important because their user experience represent various professional fields even if they are not designer. It is better to get more information from different users. So that you can get more helpful result for people.

2.Stage two- collaborate with clients

Let’s see, no matter what we do in company or how we study hard in college get a degree, that’s all for the career future and money. Where can we get money? Our employer and clients. So we just talked about the stage one-work with your teammates, after you collected their comments and then work something out, you need to show it to your clients or users and see them satisfy or not. If they don’t satisfy your work, you need to ask their comments and understand their likes or dislikes, go back to your team and modify the drawbacks, that’s called collaborate with clients. You should let your user and clients happy , so that you can achieve your goal- Money!!

Brief to say, collaboration is magnificent process in your design, gather users’ needs, work with users to resolve their problems, and then achieve our goals. That’s it!

