The onboarding with 旅かえる

JiaCheng Yue
3 min readJan 28, 2018


I don’t want to admit, but 旅かえる( Travelling frog)is the best popular mobile game in china.

Even I’m playing.

In the game, players can purchase food and items for a frog at home and send it off for new journeys. In the game, players can purchase food and items for a frog at home and send it off for new journeys. While your frog is at home, you can take a peek inside its house. After a frog goes on an adventure, it will take some time to return. It will sometimes send you postcards while you wait, and when it returns it may come back with new items.

Game steps and content are very simple, but even so, the Onboarding is still very sweet and particular. thus, my teammate and I sectioned out the three onboarding stages as follows.

The Setup

The game inherits the usual concise style, even in the set up, the software does not have extra nonsense. Perhaps this is the reason for the popularity, because of the cumbersome process will allow users to lose the curiosity of the game and explore the heart. I guess designers in the design of each link, have fully considered the theme of this game — — concise.

The Registration

The Registration is still not very long and tedious. In addition to the user most interested in the name, it is one of the game’s main interface (yard). It is a bit too little, and that’s why I do not know why it’s so popular in China. I think perhaps the designer cares more about the control of the player’s heart throughout the game. Of course, these processes are indispensable. But to my regret, in this onboarding process, the speed of the background transformation surprised me. The dark background made me feel a deep sense of fear.

The Introduction

All introduction must be completed, otherwise the user will not be able to enter the next part, even if the user shut down in the middle of the game, can not be skipped. onboarding is smooth, but it takes time. Here is a problem with onboarding’s process order. for example, the onboarding will guide you enter the indoor twice just because order’s problem.There are some function will not be introducted in the onboarding, and there are so hard to find out. Anyway, onboarding still can let user know how to play this game, because this game just have Japanese language, but it is the top game in China! I think a large part of the reason is their onboarding!

