(UX) Identity Crisis

Abigail Seligsohn
2 min readApr 14, 2018


Since studying graphic design in undergrad, many years ago, I have considered myself a graphic designer. After graduating I started my own jewelry company but I worked as a graphic designer in some form or another.
I have even struggled with updating my business card. What should it say now? What am I? UX / UI? Researcher?

When I decided to back to school for UX/UI, I knew there would be challenges. I did not realize letting go of my identity, as graphic designer would be one of them. As someone asked me “isn’t UX just the same as graphic design?” I thought the same thing when I started school but about to finish my 2nd semester I can say that isn’t the case.

While yes there is an overlap. Some assignments I have received over the past year I have not been challenged as far as design. There is more to it than just designing the way something looks. I have had to dig deeper and think from more than one direction. Designing something that looks good AND is used well and easily.

So, what’s my point? I have been challenged this past semester and have learned a lot. It feels so good to know that I made the right choice in going back to school. That does not mean letting go of being a graphic designer will be easy but at least it was for the right reason. At the end of the day my business card is just a piece of paper.

