What is the world’s best charity?

The new age of philanthropy

Stories by Seb
Learning with Seb


This is Anna. Anna is a 6-year-old girl who dreams of one day becoming a doctor.

From Leroy Skalstad on Pixabay

However, she a has one major obstacle to overcome: she is terribly ill. She has an extremely rare disease that will take her life, unless you can help save her and fund an new drug that is being developed to treat her.

If we can raise just $300 000 this medicine can be produced and Anna’s life can be saved. How much would you donate to help save her?

Now, what if I told you that just a few towns away, live 5 other children named Aman, Ebo, Yonas, Ajani & Liya.

From Tomas Sanimbo on Pexels

They love playing football together and all have big dreams of their own. Sadly, they are also very, very sick and all have a different, but equally rare disease as Anna.

To develop a medicine to save these children, we need to again raise $300 000 — but now we can save all five of their lives? How much would you donate to help save them?

While the second option might seem as the rational option, people simply are not rational beings. Research has shown that if group 1 is shown the story…

