DSRP your Dolls

Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2021

Dr. Dasaratha Rama and S. Pragnya

What do you get when you combine Karate and Barbie? Karate Barbie!

Pragnya and I have explored build and talk since July 2020. We have explored DSRP (Distinctions, Systems, Relationship, Perspectives), Plectica, Thinkblocks, index cards, and the LIFESMART kit.

Today, we had an opportunity to build and talk. It has been several weeks since I met Pragnya so I did not have a particular idea in mind. She chose Karate Barbie as her topic. I suggested we use Plectica ( a tool based on DSRP).

First, we got a picture of Karate Barbie and put it in a card in Plectica.

I created two cards and labeled them Karate and Barbie. We now had two Distinctions (Karate and Barbie) on our map.

I invited Pragnya to share a few thoughts on karate and a few thoughts on Barbie. I added these thoughts on the Karate and Barbie cards. We now had a System of ideas about Karate and a System of ideas about Barbie.

We added a Relationship between the two ideas. We distinguished the relationship and labeled it Karate Barbie. Pragnya chose ideas from both sides to include under Karate Barbie. A Karate Barbie System was born! A unique feature of Plectica is that to label a relationship you add an idea box just like for any other idea. In contrast, labels are written on lines in many mind-mapping tools.

I added a card for Pragnya. I asked her whether she wanted to show the relationship between Pragnya and Karate-Barbie or talk about Karat-Barbie from the Pragnya’s Perspective. She decided to explore relationships and prespectives. We expanded the Karate Barbie map to show relationship between Pragnya and Karate-Barbie as well as Pragnya’s perspective on Karate-Barbie.

Check out Pragnya’s map here.




Professor, home educator, and entrepreneur. Developer of the LIFESMART philosophy and approach to learning.