4 things that will help you grow as a true leader!

Chaithanya Kothapalli
2 min readJun 28, 2016


I started out like any other corporate employee. Ambitious, aspiring growth. Then I met a few bosses along the way. Successful, revered by many in the organization.

In my conversations, with each of them, a few statements they made at critical points stuck with me. In my opinion, this is what made them grow above their peers, get to leadership positions faster.

I aped a few and can vouch they do help. Even if you fake it at the start, eventually it becomes your DNA @ work.

Have a good nights sleep

At the end of the day when you go home, is your conscience is clear? There should not be an iota of self doubt of harming anyone with an intention to do so. You values are intact. It is all about having a peaceful sleep at night.

Various situations at work, put you at a cross road. You will have to choose between, the easy way out to doing the right thing. These folks have always picked the second.

Not worth the fight

Most often employees in the organization have conflicting targets. Someone else’s actions will impact your quality of work. Your work will impact someone else. You have the choice to be the brutal corporate predator, or “the better man”.

At times it is OK to lose an argument. It may not be worth it. By letting go, you may win a friend for life. Who knows?

9 to 6 for 6 to 9

We are all overwhelmed by work-life balance. One of my bosses questioned this though. There is nothing called work-life balance. Life is larger than work. You work from 9–6 to make your 6–9 happy. Do not mix it up.

Take the Person out of the debate

When you are engaged in a heated debate with a co-worker, it is usually a question of priorities. Take the person out of the equation and look at the problem from a stoic point of view. You will be surprised suddenly it is now different. Now both of you want to solve it together.

Work places need not be corporate jungles, with one trying to outwit the other. A little bit of compassion, a lot of passion, and whole lot more humanity can work wonders. You will actually want to go out to work every day!

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Chaithanya Kothapalli

Founder — Yunikee — Building technology-enabled products & services for the deaf community