12th July, Thursday

Urmi Bhatt
Learning-s of Urmi
Published in
4 min readJul 12, 2018

With a decision of starting to write everyday I was in a constant dilemma weather to revel everything or stay quiet. The dilemma stretched to the fact that I wasn’t going to share this diary-styled blogs with everyone but I did share the series. And I was like URMMII! But what-eves I just did it! So Facebook knows I’m writing but I don’t think they’ll know that I do write everyday, will I? I sure will. (Says everyone!)

Travelling in Mumbai is another ballgame, which I play for 5 days this week! Amazing/Boring/Thoughtful 5 days.

The mundane life of office starts, there are only few who keep it that lively.

And then in the middle of the day this happens,

Photos not for representation purpose. This actually happened!

After gobbling up on chocolates like it is my birthright, I moved on to making another stupid decision of being active on Instagram STORIES!

Because democracy!

With these minor things happening here and there, something major happened.

  1. I just realised my friend of 20 years/my childhood bully is getting married in 6 months and I like a dumb idiot got worked up and called her and her fiancé telling them NO, DON’T DO IT!
That’s me and her (Pari) at her housewarming party.

I don’t know maybe it is because I have seen her making so many decisions in front of me but this one felt so permanent and a grown-up one. I mean I wish nothing but best and I know she’s going to be a lot happier! (Waddup, a lot of sex and cuddling for her, all time, every time!) But it was unsettling. It always will be I guess.

2. This year has seen a lot of go-aways, from friends to family, platonic and un-platonic and thus I saw one more being my one of very close guy friends, Pranav.

He’s got admission at Light And Life Academy at Ooty and will be there till March 2019.

I mean it is weird to know the relationship between us. First all, everyone thinks we are a ‘thing’ but we hell for sure aren’t. Me being the slob that I’m I rarely go out with him but he doesn’t mind coming over and just being ‘there’. I think that’s what got me all emotional. From August there won’t be he here and a call away. It will always be me here and he ‘there’ in Ooty.

Now that he returns for a month, I hope I’m able to make the most of it.

I hate this.

I hate it how parent’s speculate things and thus one more weird speculation lead to me gorging on junk for dinner!

While catching up with people, I kind of thinking about a person in a way I think he doesn’t think about. So I’m stopping.

All this emotional turbulence meant me calling my AMBULANCE the whole day!

That’s Pallavi Poojary : My AMBULANCE

My after dinner phone calls with my favourite have always been amazing, best part I get to spill everything out! Like EVERYTHING!

A phone call surprised me on many levels, with out exposing someone’s else’s privacy, I don’t understand girls who get married in and kind of still differentiate between her parents and in-laws house. I mean you are now a part of someone’s life BY CHOICE. Act like that.

Watching Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic solving crimes beats everything and thus that’s how I ended another night only to start the morning at 4 a.m. to blog this.

How can’t you re-watch them again and again ❤

How was your day? Tell me!

You can always reach out to me on my email ID: urmi.bhatt97@gmail.com

