The Ten Coolest Things About Learnist 2012

Learnist News
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2013


‘Tis the season for top ten lists, recaps, and reflection. Everyone who is anyone gets a top ten list or recap in honor of the New Year. Learnist deserves one too.

In honor of Learnist’s first holiday season, the learning I have done, the inspiration I have received, and the outstanding social learning technology bestowed upon my classroom, I am creating this first of many annual top ten lists of the best things I have learned, made, and done using Learnist this year:

10. I finally got an iPhone. I walked around snapping pictures to make Learnboards. I want to do something super nerdy like photograph tree bark or animal tracks outside—I bet there’s someone out there who wants to learn that. Learnist has made me discover there’s someone out there who wants to learn just about everything—it’s the thing that unites us learners and nerds. I’m going to use the Learnist mobile app to learn from and share even more with these people when I’m on the go.

9. I’ve connected with and met some visionary people who view learning the same way I do. People who will discuss and comment on ideas both general and specific, and who are happy to learn something if only “because it is there.”

8. I’ve had the chance to replace many sections of my classroom textbook with primary and secondary source material that trumps the textbook in so many ways—it’s not boring, it’s a dozen years newer, and it’s easy to add to or change without paying a million dollars to a publisher. That’s my contribution to avoiding the fiscal cliff.

7. I’ve had students say, “Hey, this work doesn’t suck.” Their words. I think it’s a compliment, despite the use of vulgarity. Compliments in education are few and far between these days, so I’ll consider that a win.

6. I’ve had parents say, “Are you sure that’s the homework?” And in fact, it was. A pleased parent is the best partner in education.

5. I’ve been able to put links to my Learnist boards into my class blog, and students seem to be reading them both. It makes me want to blog more and inspire students to learn a ton—at least until they figure out what I’m up to, realize I’ve snuck in extra work, and say, “hey!”

4. I’ve had students start to engage, comment, and begin to create learnings of their own. They are always very excited to realize they’ve been talking to one of the experts on Learnist, and that influences them to think that someday they can be that expert.

3. I got to make a Learnist board in personal homage to Martha Stewart, who I believe would have created the world if the good Lord hadn’t gotten to it first. But she’d have done it in taupe and chiffon. She is an inspiration to women and a true domestic goddess. Some day maybe she’ll comment on my learnboard. On that day, I’ll know I truly get a star on the Learnist walk of fame.

2. I was able to put all my research and interests on Learnist—all those things that I never quite turned into a book got converted into Learnist boards and shared. Many of these were things that I thought only six other people in the universe cared about, and it turns out that I was wrong. Many more than six shared, commented, and learned alongside me. I’m looking forward to sharing with even more learners across the universe and learning about more of their research and interests, too.

1. The world didn’t end, and in fact, the world loves Learnist! This is great news, because I’ll get to do all this again in 2013. In next year’s recap I promise you more learning and fun, as Learnist makes us think outside the box to find new ways to come together, connect, share, and revolutionize the world of learning!

About the Author: Dawn Casey Rowe

I teach Social Studies at the William M. Davies Career & Technical High School in Rhode Island. My passions include research, writing, history, sustainability, fitness and social justice. I’d love to see tech innovations to level the playing field in education. I’m a big fan of our local farmers, sustainable agriculture, and all things natural and tasty. I blog and run in my spare time.



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