Highlights from Our Reddit AMA with Isaac Morehouse

Learn Liberty
Learn Liberty Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2017

If you missed the Reddit AMA with Isaac Morehouse last week, fear not! We’ve taken the liberty of compiling some of the highlights for your viewing pleasure. You can check out the whole thing here. Isaac is a prolific author and speaker on a range of subjects including education, entrepreneurship, economics, and philosophy — and founder of Praxis.


Hey Isaac, we actually met a couple years ago at a Milton Friedman Legacy Day event in North Carolina when I was an intern at a think tank. You had a very interesting talk on competition and how it makes education better.

Could you talk a little bit about how your political/social philosophy developed?


Who are some of your intellectual influences?


What is Praxis? Explain it to me like I’m 5.


Where do you see college going in five years? Ten years?

What kind of jobs do Praxis grads wind up with, after ending the program? Can you share how much they might earn?

And what do you say to 18 year olds who are graduating high school and thinking about going to college?

Keep up the awesome work! I used to be in SFL and ran into you guys once or twice 🙂


Hey Isaac,

Why do you think there is so much badmouthing/backlash against alternatives to both K-12 public education and the typical higher education track?

If Praxis was around when I was younger, I would have loved an option like that, but even then I would have expected a lot of haranguing from teachers/family about how I’m “wasting my potential” by not spending 4 years and 100k or more sitting around to earn a bachelor’s degree. Are things changing? Do you see as much of that kind of stuff with your current college opt-out candidates?


So where do you stand on charter schools and the new wave of low-cost private schools that aim to innovate and maximize efficiency within the traditional schooling model? Do you think that traditional schooling can work well for some kids? Or is everyone better off as a homeschooled or unschooled autodidact? (Setting aside the question of what options are realistic for any given family.)


You seem to have a lot of plates in the air and you are a high performing individual. On the days where you are sluggish, unmotivated, or just plain not getting as much done as you want, how do you break yourself out of that and get back in the game?


Hey Isaac, thanks for doing this!

Can you please talk more about what it is like unschooling? Specifically, is there ANY structure? Do you start with some basics (like reading, writing, basic math) and then set them free to pursue their own interests, or was it just let them be and support them in whatever they were interested in from the get go? Or something totally different?



Hi Mr. Morehouse. Would you rather hire 1 college graduate-sized duck or 100 duck-sized college graduates?


I’ve actually had the pleasure to introduce you at a conference, and I appreciated your interesting take on your introduction. What was the best introduction you’ve ever been given at a speaking event?

Secondary question: when/how did you come to giving presentations shoeless?

Check out this related Learn Liberty video:

Originally published at www.learnliberty.org.

