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Free Ebooks for Frontend Developers Lots of Free Ebooks For Frontend Developers

We have now finished building the front end of our react-focused e-learning website. I’ll outline my goals for this website in the following text, which includes briefly offering free ebooks for download.

Onur Dayıbaşı
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2023


On March 27, 2023, we just released This website is an ebook version of instructional blog entries created with a particular goal in mind. Within a year, I intend to upload 30–40 additional free ebooks to

How am I going to produce this many ebooks in a year? Before that, let’s go back. I’ve been posting Turkish stuff on Medium since 2015, which is a long time. On the front end, I also reply to and share blog entries.

Since the number of blog posts has grown over time and I need to categorize and tag them as I see fit on Medium, I established a site ( in 2019 with Gatsby.

I started creating tiny books from my blog postings on my website. The building blocks I created are these categories, which I will add to the LearnReactUI developer website.

👇Content that we want to turn into E-Books;

Algorithms and Data Structures

Algorithm — Data Structure
Algorithm — Natural Language Processing
Algorithm — Game Development

Basic Concepts

Fundamental Internet Concepts
How Chrome Works
Web API Usage
Rendering Techniques


The Development Of JS Through Time
JS Practice
JS Async Programming
JS Meta Programming
Learn JS Deeply
JS Functional Programming
JS Arduino Programming


Frontend Ecosystem
How to Became Frontend Master
Overcoming Technological Change and Pressure
Frontend Developer Tools
Frontend Blog Analytics


React WebApp Conceptual Framework
Simple To Complex Frontend Apps
React Hooks
React Webpack
React Routing
React Network
React State Management
React UI Mechanics
React Styling
React Architecture
React Performance
React Test
React Visualization
React Libs

Of course, react and frontend topics should contain code experiments, examples, and essays. Meanwhile, inspired by Maggie Appleton’s Digital Garden idea and website, I developed another website in 2021, where I presented my React examples ( This website has approximately 160 little React apps. Some of this content’s source code will be available in the future on

Note: I recommend reading the following blog postings in English for comprehensive technical details on how the Digital Garden was created.

We now want to give the ebooks that we have created using these two frameworks, both in Turkish and English, for free for an extended period. Together with a buddy, we created the website for this purpose. ‘’
I anticipate people

  • Visiting the site,
  • reading the ebooks,
  • retweeting,
  • liking the tweet below,
  • and spreading the word about us.

We will soon generate and share helpful information in English on JavaScript, Frontend, and React subjects with developers. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

