LearnSpace’s Manifesto

Published in
1 min readDec 2, 2016

We believe in a learning revolution.

The current model is failing. Our present generation is still trained to memorize content that is being thrown at them while they sit passively in a very traditional class setting. We believe in active learning methods that foster 21st century skills like collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication.

We want to build bridges. To create an ecosystem with a high frequency of interactions between different people & bodies from very diverse backgrounds: educators, schools, start ups, researchers, non-for-profits, corporates & public institutions. We deeply believe in collaboration, breaking the silos, making people meet and build together.

We believe learning is a lifelong journey: education & training cannot be differentiated anymore. Nowadays, learning occurs at one’s own pace, ubiquitously, independent from time, space, money thanks to the affordances of technology.

We have been to six continents, 15 countries, interviewed more than 450 influencers, entrepreneurs, teachers & public servants. Our most striking discovery was that innovation is much stronger within countries where dedicated organizations exist (e.g projects incubators, start-up accelerators, co-working spaces, media, teacher training centers only focussed on learning innovations).

A learning revolution needs to start here in France. And we’re ready to move forward with those who want to make a change.

Join us to take learning to the next level




Founder @LearnSpaceParis, Co-founder @EdtechTours, @EuropeanEdtechAlliance, Author ‘Exploring the Future of Education’ www.exploringeducation.eu 🇪🇺