What we have been up to: December 2018 Newsletter

Leaseum Partners
Leaseum Partners
Published in
5 min readDec 17, 2018

The holiday season is upon us. Here at Leaseum Partners, in the last month we have focused on closing strategic partnerships and hosting a range of international educational events about blockchain and tokenization.

Market Outlook

Tech companies are expanding to New York City

Amazon recently announced that Long Island City in New York City is one of the two winning locations for it’s second headquarters. This announcement will bring in an expected 25,000 new jobs and an influx of $2.5 billion in investment to the city.

Hot on the heels of Amazon in terms of employment workforce is Google. Alphabet Inc’s flagship behemoth is nearing a deal to either buy or lease 1.3 million square feet at the soon to be transformed St. John’s Terminal. Google already employs 7,000 workers in the city and if it closes on the aforementioned deal, it would add an additional 13,000 new workers.

The Digital Securities ecosystem is being built.

Within the digital securities ecosystem, there is a lot of exciting things happening right now. Both traditional stock exchanges (SIX Swiss Exchange and Malta Stock Exchange) as well as emerging exchanges (such as tZero and OpenFinance) are building out the technology backbone to provide liquidity to tokenized assets.

We are also beginning to see the supporting infrastructure coming into place that will help institutional investors enter blockchain. From major players developing institutional custody for cryptocurrencies (Fidelity Digital Assets and Coinbase) to teams addressing KYC (Civic) or Cap table management (Vertalo). We believe digital securities are the future of traditional securities.

What we have been up to

Organizing events around the world

In the last month, we have organized events in London and Hong Kong. On December 4th we hosted a Meetup event in London about security tokens. We also hosted events in November at The University of Hong Kong and alongside the Private Equity / Venture Capital Club at London Business School. You can read about our London meetup in our blog.

Spreading the Leaseum Word​

Events we have attended:

In Montreux: Our Head of Investor Relations, Lior Abehassera participated in the Elite Summit in Montreux, Switzerland.

In Lisbon: Julianne and Nadia attended the WebSummit in Lisbon, Portugal.As the largest tech conference in the world, we had a booth with nearly non-stop visitors as investors, technology experts, Real Estate enthusiasts and those interested in blockchain wanted to learn about Real Estate and Blockchain.

If you missed it, take a look at October 2018’s newsletter.

New Website

We have given our website a revamp. Visit our website now to learn more about our team and roadmap in the upcoming quarters.

What to expect next?

Whitelisting Dashboard

The whitelisting dashboard will open in the upcoming weeks. The dashboard allow you to create your profile and submit KYC documents. A limited number will have access to our Private Sale.

More International Events

We already have events planned with Oxford and Cambridge in the UK for early 2019. We are also planning an event in New York at the beginning of the year. Join our Security Token Meetup New York group to stay up to date on forthcoming events. We will be on the road a lot in the coming months educating about Real Estate tokenization. If you would like us to host an educational event in your city, please let us know and we can spread the word.

We hope everyone is having a happy holiday season. For any questions or comments please feel free to join our Telegram group.

About Leaseum Partners

Leaseum Partners is utilizing blockchain technology to disrupt traditional processes associated with investing in commercial real estate by providing token holders with dividends, voting rights and capital gains rights.

We are currently finalizing our White Paper, which will fully detail our business model as well as the technical details associated with Leaseum.

In the meantime, stay updated on our progress:


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