Take Time.

N. Mozart Diaz
Published in
8 min readSep 6, 2020


The pandemic seems to be happening unevenly throughout the world. While we can all agree that it is happening to everyone, it seems to be happening to everyone differently. It’s the same storm, but everyone has a different boat. For those of us living in the Philippines, we have spent half of the year 2020 in quarantine with endless reiterations and prefixes to the phrase ‘community quarantine’. The times before all this seems so long ago — like an actual lifetime ago. There is no normal that we are returning to and all we have are half-baked ideas on what a ‘new-normal’ might be with all the entities that seek to define what it might and can and will be.

With this, what the pandemic has given us, to those of us privileged enough to still have ease of existence, is time — so, so much more time than we thought we had or thought possible. We have shaved off the time for getting ready for school or to work, shaved off the time we spend in malls, cafes, pubs, and shaved off all the time we used to spend with our friends, family, and those who don’t live within half a kilometer of the space we move around in. What we were left with after all this skimming of time is too much time than we know what to do with.

At the beginning of this quarantine, way back in March, there was an endless stream of posts preaching of the need for productivity, for progress, for hustle, and all the promises that all this…

