The Communist as Boogeyman

Rants into Poetry

N. Mozart Diaz
2 min readJun 3, 2021


Learn, study, but do not dwell
Enter and exit
Keep your head low, your eyes down
Heed warnings in hushed whispers

If you’re not careful, the communists will get you

Kindness, gratitude
Necessity, survival
In a wooden cart
Kindness becomes criminal
Apathy is a virtue

If you’re not careful, the communists will get you

Truth is criminal
Justice is kept as hostage
Applaud the vulgar
Suckle on the hand that feeds
Turn a blind eye, breathe anger

If you’re not careful, the communists will get you

Stop caring, don’t think
Lookout only for yourself
Live in apathy
Do you dare raise your own voice
Be good, quiet, and docile

If you’re not careful, the communists will get you

Just stay positive
Don’t complain, just keep quiet
Don’t dare run your mouth
Even to demand justice
Do not demand competence

If you’re not careful, the communists will get you

You can’t care too much
Keep your eyes glued on the screen
Only read what’s good
The next trend, the hot gossip
Care nothing for the new dead

If you’re not careful, the communists will get you

Find yourself angry
Rousing yourself to defy
Demanding justice
Demand a madman steps down
Shout until your mouth runs dry

If you’re not careful, the communists will get you

Shouts of the people
Craving and begging for change
Fists raised in the air
Then silenced, quieted, gagged
Threatened, beaten, made missing

If you are not careful, you might become one too

So steady your mind
Don’t worry we’ll protect you
If worse comes to worst
They’ll be protected from you
Stay numb, say nothing, stay safe

If you’re not careful, the communists will get you.
If you become one, who knows what we’ll have to do?

