Get started with the first app in React

Shivam Tarone
Live to learn
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2020
First React.js App

Facebook has created a Create React Application with everything you need to build a React app.

To create a Create React App run the following code on your terminal os VSCode editor’s terminal :

npx create-react-app hello-world

— make sure that your app name should be in lowercase.

Make sure you have Node.js 5.2 or higher. Otherwise, you must install npx:

npm i npx

Start one folder up from where you want your application to save:

F:\React apps\hello-world>npx create-react-app hello-world


Terminal Result

Moving forward — just enter into your app by using

cd hello-world

After locating to app folder just ender npm start to start your app on the local server.

npm start

After npm start

After this, your hello-world app is live on your localhost. To see your first app just click on Local or simply type https://localhost:3000 on your browser. you will get to see your first hello-world app.


Final result (https://localhost:3000)

