The Billionaire Morning Routine

Live to learn
Published in
4 min readSep 8, 2020

Wake up early and tackle the day before it tackles you. Be on offense, not defense.— Evan Carmichael

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Why successful people always say that conquer the morning first to conquer the world well in order to prove that you have to experience it by yourself.

Robin Sharma said in his book “The 5 Am Club” that On a gorgeous morning in Mauritius, the entrepreneur, the artist, and the billionaire gathered by the sea. A school of squirrelfish could be seen swimming through the clear waters. In this lovely setting, the billionaire conveyed the four focuses of the great history makers. Firstly, he said, the greatest are not defined by their natural talent, but by the extent to which they.

Sleep early to wake up early:

This is the most important thing to do if you really want to wake up early. Research proved that the healthy human body needs at least 7 hours of sleep to keep the brain working because your brain is most powerful when you are in sleep. Most successful people think the same Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet they all give precious value to their sleep to being charge through the day when they have to work too hard and make decisions worth billions. So to wake up before the sun gets rises you have to go to bed early.

The 5 to 7 Am rule

What is that rule? Well, when I was trying to find out what best I can do after waking up at 5 am I found that rule which is really helpful. When your body sweats that is the time when your brain's neurons get activated and this exactly happens despite doing exercise with your body your brain does more. After you finished your exercise try to read any book which makes you motivated it doesn't matter whether you want to read or not because it's worth spending your half-hour feeding your mind with the experience of the best mind in the world. When you finish reading book try to think about your life, It could be anything about career-related, past experience, commitments anything because thinking about life is really necessary and there is no best time than the morning when your brain is in its best condition. Now when you have a half-hour left to make your to-do list this is the quality you will find in all the successful people keeping track and make plan for the day to use it wisely.

When you finish your 2 hours doing these things you will get to know after 1 year you have spent 180 hours of exercise, 180 hours of reading, 180 hours to think about life, and 180 hours making a plan for the day and these will be the most precious 2 hours you will be doing in your life.

Cold Water therapy

I believe in cold water therapy because when you get a shower there you activate your neurons and these get boosted when you get a shower of cold water. When that cold spray hits your body, there’s a bit of shock. This shock increases. As cold water hits your body and external limbs, it constricts circulation on the surface of your body. This causes blood in your deeper tissues to circulate at faster rates to maintain ideal body temperature.

In that sense, a cold shower has the opposite effect of a hot shower for someone with hypertension or cardiovascular disease, since exposure to cold temperatures triggers the circulatory system to reduce inflammation and can help prevent cardiovascular disease. Since cold water has regenerative properties, your muscles will relax and repair after a tough workout.

Though scientific research is limited regarding the effect cold water has on your skin and hair, anecdotal evidence points to positive effects. According to an article published on the website, cold water closes and strengthens your hair cuticles.

Also, cold water, unlike hot water, doesn’t dry out the sebum layer, a naturally lubricated barrier that provides protection for your skin and hair.

As a result of the effects of cold water, your hair may be more likely to become stronger and healthier over time.

If you’re convinced a cold shower is totally out of the question, you might want to rethink your philosophy. Unlike the long list of benefits that come with taking a cold shower, the list of cons is surprisingly quite short.

Your Gut is your second brain

The father of medicine Hippocrates said thousands of years ago “all disease starts in the gut” and this is still true today. The most crucial system of your body is the digestive system.

Probiotics, Omega 3, Fatty acid, Minerals these are some important things to keep your gut healthy but those needs are not necessarily fulfilled by our daily meal. to fulfill those needs there are some good products you can take after your doctor's permission. If your digestive system is stronger then your brain will be strong by default. Start taking care of your Gut.

Follow task not time

When you are working don’t follow time. Yeah, this may sound absurd to you but it is true when you start working on something think about getting it done instead of thinking about working up to some time. Put yourself on that work, not in time.


Having a daily plan makes you ready for the day’s activities. Taking the time to list down the tasks which you hope to perform is an activity that billionaires swear by. Many billionaires spend the first few hours of their morning planning on how to go about their day. This plan can have a business, family, and social life elements in it. Not only does it chart a way forward through the day, but a daily plan can also help you to prioritize your activities so that you complete the most important ones first.

Win the morning to win the world

