Tragedy of #100DaysOfCode

Sujata Gunale
Live to learn
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2020
Tragedy of #100DaysOfCode

Many Developers out there are totally devoted to a community challenge called #100DaysOfCode. As the curiosity keeps growing, you decide to have a look at this. What is #100DaysOfCode? What will I get from this? A certificate? A job’s assurance? & blah blah. Thoughts like this will now make a home in your mind.

Human nature is a tragedy in itself, we seek first for fruit rather than the efforts, the journey to get that done.

Ahh, of course, everyone desires to have fruit. But the way we want fruit is not the way it should be. Know what I mean? Each time, when you decide to go for any curriculum or course or something new skill, your first approach for that stuff is, does that offer a certificate or does that so-called course, when included in my Resume, will help me to get that so-called company job? Honestly, I used to do the same until I came across the ocean of developers doing fabulous challenges out there. The ultimate #100DaysOfCode Journey. Let’s see, which certificate I ended up with after successfully completing the challenge.

1. Certificate of Ultra Learner

Learning never exhausts the mind!

Yeah, you read that write. I developed a skill, a very underrated these days. Learning. What makes that special? Learning is what you live for. If you have the mindset to learn, then you grow beyond your thinking. You become flexible, & can adapt in any situation. Remember Darwin’s theory?

Only fittest can survive!

& which company won’t be happy to have an employee who have the capability of learning whatever put forth to him/her. In this era of continuously evolving technology, if you don’t have the “ Learning Certificate ”, my friend, I fear, you to be the next set example of Darwin’s theory. Mind that.

2. Certificate for Skill

Keep Going, Keep Growing!

You ready yourself to learn new everyday & go with whatever best you can do. But sometimes this creepy “Imposter Syndrome” tries to block your way. Every time you encounter with any energy-sucking feeling, remember,

Why you started? & How far you have came from that day.

The time you give a thought to this, a big picture will remind you of everything you did on your journey. How you haven’t even known about that Brain.JS library for deep learning in JavaScript to successfully implementing a neural network with the help of it. Fabulous. Trust me, the feeling is overly ecstatic. If that doesn’t make you keep going, what else will?

3. Certificate of Habit

Last to the key certificate but not least.

Habits are like the atoms of our lives. Each one is a fundamental unit that contributes to your overall improvement — James Clear ( Atomic Habits )

Think about this, you wake up, push yourself to work for at least 1hr each day continuously. What you think, you are doing? Besides learning, you’re also developing a habit. The habit of giving your precious time to your commitment. At the start, it might feel burdened, but eventually, as you proceed, it seems like a day to day routine, the same as brushing your teeth every day. You don’t need Motivation for that, right? That’s what habit do.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit — Aristotle

Developing good habits is the key point in your journey of being a better version of yourself. Might be a fan of Cricket or any sport out there, ain’t you? Why they go to the gym every day? Why the legend player just works on a particular day & rests on the remaining days. Why does he/she need to go & do that task every single day? Cause that’s what makes them better. Cause they have been pawns of their own habits, damn good habits.

Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.

If you don’t have the habit, then create one. Surround yourself with the ones who have that habit & then work on yours.

That’s the journey of #100DaysOfCode, my fellow friend. I did this, you can do too. Earn your certificates & be the best version of yourself. Until then,

Happy Coding , Happy Day !

