9 Leadership Qualities Every Project Manager Should Have

Leave Dates
Leave Dates
Published in
5 min readJan 29, 2023

Managing projects is somewhat similar to parenthood.

Your project is like a child, and you are responsible for how it develops and matures. There will be bumps along the way, but in the end, you’re aiming for a successful result.

Project managers have to cope with numerous challenges, including tight deadlines and the lack of resources. Overcoming these hurdles is the project manager’s responsibility. Project managers must use the available resources in the most efficient way possible to ensure projects are completed on time and stakeholder expectations are met.

To be successful in the role, project managers must possess some specific qualities.

Here are 9 of the most important leadership qualities every project manager should have.

1. Integrity

Project managers should understand that to be a leader, they should not only have the right words but also act like a leader. You won’t see dedication and commitment from your team if you don’t demonstrate these traits on a daily basis.

You need to be honest with your team, and your behavior should be logical and consistent. You should set the high bar for your own ethical behavior, and you should also reward those who follow the same principles. If you’re motivated by your self-interest, your leadership will be weak, and you won’t inspire your team.

2. Shared vision

You should help your team understand the direction of the project and communicate it effectively. As a leader, you should lift up your team and create the right emotional environment. One of your responsibilities is to see the bigger picture and to help each member of the team understand the importance of their contribution.

Along with communicating the organization’s vision, you should empower members of the team to create and experience their own vision. Besides, you must make sure that your teammates see their future as part of the company’s shared vision.

3. Strong decision-making skills

Well-developed decision-making skills are useful in everyday life, and they are essential for life as a project manager. As the project develops and grows, you need to make many important decisions that define the direction of the project.

Sometimes, a single wrong decision can undermine the success of the entire project so you should be able to quickly analyze the situation and weigh all the pros and cons of every option.

4. Multitasking

Managing a project requires you to stay focused on many different things at once. You should plan the project, break down tasks into manageable milestones, delegate these tasks, make sure that the deadlines are met, and control the outcome.

You cannot simply focus on one of these tasks at a time so you need to multitask.

Adam Simon, Editor at LegitWritingServices.com, warns that multitasking can hurt your productivity if done wrong. “The main thing is to learn to multitask without sacrificing the quality of work. A good project manager is one who knows everything about the project, while a smart manager is the one who can get everything done without getting exhausted.”

5. Delegation

You should also be great at task delegation and be comfortable at delegating tasks to members of the team with the necessary skills and experience. Therefore, you should know your teammates, their strengths, and their weaknesses.

However, you may also be new to the team you’re working with, and in this case, you won’t be able to consider each detail. Let your teammates know that you trust them, and explain the importance of their contribution.

Encourage them to approach you if they have any questions or experience any difficulties.

6. Team building

If you want your team to be productive, it should be happy, and all its members should be able to work together on common goals. Every team, however, consists of numerous individuals, each one of which has a distinctive personality.

Your job is to glue these individuals together.

Spend time with your team and learn about each member’s personality and skills. You should also know how different teammates interact with each other to be able to prevent any possible conflicts and to handle conflicts when they occur.

As a project manager, you are also responsible for creating the right environment for collaboration.

7. Problem-solving

Successful project managers are also great problem-solvers.

You must be able to quickly analyze the problem and evaluate the possible solutions. Sometimes, finding the best solution will also require you to approach the problem creatively.

You should be able to identify the root causes of the problem, which can be absolutely necessary for finding the optimal solution.

Sometimes it may be difficult for you to solve the problem on your own, in which case, you need to find the right people from the team who can help you.

8. Positive attitude

One of the most important qualities for a project manager is the ability to stay calm in any circumstance, even when dealing with unexpected difficulties and when everyone around is panicking. You should stay positive and demonstrate enthusiasm to keep your teammates engaged and dedicated.

9. Communication

A lot depends on your ability to communicate the goals of the project and the organization’s priorities so strong communication skills are essential.

You should communicate with stakeholders at all levels in the organisation to keep them up to date on project progress. No matter how talented your team is and how good you are at planning, miscommunication can easily undermine the success of the project.

In Summary

Being a project manager can be tough. There can be so many tasks ongoing at the same time, often with conflicting priorities and timelines.

Developing and strengthening the qualities listed above will help you become a valuable asset for your organization and ensure the successful conclusion of your projects.

Originally published at https://www.leavedates.com.

