To Whom It May Concern

Leavingstone Logs
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2014


Drink after reading!

Let’s face it — Borjomi is the only brand Georgia is famous for. Exported to a number of countries, this miraculous drink is the nation’s true ambassador. International fame makes the water inside the iconic bottle our loudest message to the world. That’s exactly what we wanted to remind the Georgian audience about.

Posts for Borjomi Facebook page.

We crafted a series of Facebook posts transforming the Borjomi bottle into a canvas to show all the major cities where Borjomi is sold. The campaign got to the hearts of Georgian Facebook audience — each of the 10 posts, the reaction was delightful.

Our Message To the World for IDS Borjomi International

Voyage Crew:

Creative Direction: Levan Lepsveridze.

Art Direction: Beso Kavelashvili.

Retouching: Beso Kavelashvili.

Photography: Kikala Studio.

Concept: Vakho Vakhtangishvili, Nutsa Avaliani.

Account Management: Giorgi Burchuladze.

Location Scouting: Christopher Avaliani.

