Learning content property and data ownership through the blockchain

Mikael Misard
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2018

Education communities, teachers, schools own huge resources in many learning areas. They possess tera of learning datas.

However they are not open to share their content essentially because of the lake of confidence and content protection. They are also not open to give they work for free.

Whereas teachers usually like sharing ideas, resources, documents to improve them, they are afraid by internet by loosing their work and his property.
LeaXR offers through blockchain a total transparency about the ownership of the content. Each content creator keeps a copyright on his work for life.
Each content is completely traceable. This traceability permits to guarantee to teachers and schools a complete protection for their content.

The income generated by paid content is registered into the blockchain. We can see in real time which amount a content earn.
Each content creator have a life copyright guarantee and a complete view on revenues generated by his content.

Each part of the process obtains benefits from this traceability.
Students get their certification all along their life witout any risks of loss or manipulation.
Recruiters, schools simply check the profile of the student safely.

Check on www.leaxr.com how to create, host and distribute learning content.
Join our token sale https://ico.leaxr.com

