Rating and property rights

Mikael Misard
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2019

On LeaXR, teachers and contents will be rated as follow :

  1. Based on satisfaction surveys realised at the end of each online lesson.
  2. Based on the rating of learning content sold on the platform

Teachers, schools, universities have many choices to boost awareness:

  • Create a page and learning content for free (transfer/import existing content, create videos, MOOC, quiz, articles…) to obtain visibility on LeaXR platform
  • Create paid content by themselves.
  • Create paid content by investors. Investors will support financially the creation of new learning content.

The rating will be published on the Ethereum Blockchain to keep a life quality datas on teachers and content.
It permits a high transparency for students on their learning content quality.
It’s also a reference for students and teachers in their cursus.

On LeaXR, learning content property rules are:

  1. Learning contents imported or created 100% by a teacher, a school, university or any type of organization will bring 100% rights on his content. 85% of the annual royalty (income on sold courses on LeaXR platform) will be transferred anually (15% for LeaXR). The owner keep the total property on his content and can delete it whenever he wants. He will be the owner rights on his content for life.
  2. Learning contents created by a teacher and founded by investors will transfer the property rights to investors. The content will stay on the platform for life and the teacher couldn’t delete it (as he loose his rights on it). Investors will be the owner rights of the content for life. In this frame, the teacher looses his royalty rights on his content as they are transferred to investors.

Joint the education revolution through the blockchain on www.leaxr.com

