Save Trees: 7 ways how trees are helping us

Ayush Agrawal
Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2019

Trees play a vital role in supporting humans life as well as animals life. Some people plant trees in their garden just for the beauty or to get some extra shade in summer. However, trees do a lot more than just providing shades in summer when it comes to the environment. Trees help in producing oxygen and balancing carbon dioxide(CO2) in the atmosphere and much more. Despite of such importance of trees, humans are just cutting and using trees for fulfilling their own needs.

According to the new research published in the journal, nature suggests we are having 3 trillion trees on the world. Human throughout the year has been played a crucial role in reducing the number of trees and using it for several purposes like building shelters, making papers and so on. As per the report, humans cut down 15 billion trees every year which has decreased the global tree count to 46% since human civilization.

The number of trees we are losing per year aren’t getting refilled. Humans are having so many reasons to plant a tree. Hence, here are 7 ways how trees are helping us to save our environment.

Minimizing climate change

In this growing world, the amount of carbon dioxide is also increasing day by day. The CO2 is not only harmful to human life but also the cause of climate change. It’s probably the biggest problem in the world with which we need to deal. Trees help us in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide from the environment by storing Co2 while releasing oxygen. A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old. However, one large tree can provide a supply of oxygen for two people.

Purifying air

You must have felt the fresh air at the seaside or while traveling on the road near to the forest. Yes, you are right trees play a great role in purifying the air. It absorbs nitrogen oxide, ammonia, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and odour of the air.It filters all unwanted and harmful gases and provides us a free and breathable air.

Providing shades and cooling down streets

Now, here this quality of trees we all know that and probably like trees for this reason only.The temperature of the environment is increasing continuously. The tree is the only thing which is helping to maintain temperature and provide shades and helping in cooling roads by absorbing heat.

Preventing water pollution

During heavy rainfall, excess water or stormwater which contains nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants from fertilizers flow towards the nearest water body like a river, ocean via sewage canal which directly pollutes the waterbody. Trees and green plants can be used to slow down the runoff, spreading down it on the ground and slowly soaking it into the ground. This technique is used to remove pollutants from runoff by allowing plants to filter out and help them in infiltrating to the ground.

Providing shelters for wildlife

Trees also help in boosting biodiversity as the tree provides foods to the wildlife and it’s been a shelter for them since ages. One apple tree produces about 20 fruit bushels per year which can nourish many birds, insects, and wildlife. It can be planted on a very small surface but has a useful environmental effect.

Renewable Engergy source

Since ancient days trees have been a great source of fuel. Nowadays fossil fuels quantity decreasing day by day.Although we know it has many toxic effects but it won’t sustain forever.

So that many companies are focusing on renewable energy sources.If the right number of trees planted properly then it can be a great source of renewable energy.

Erosion control

The main reasons for erosions are water and air.However, trees help in breaking rain from a direct fall on the ground.Direct rainfall can penetrate the ground and breaks soil binding.Also, when soil is dry the wind makes noticeable damage. Trees slow down the wind effect and also its roots hold soils close together tightly which helps in reducing soil erosion.

The day is not far when we will be having a hand countable trees on the earth. We all knew that how a single tree is helping in saving our environment. All must get aware about the importance of the trees and plant at least 1 tree per year to keep the balance of the trees.

How LectureNotes is helping in saving trees?

LectureNotes aims to eradicate dictation in classrooms and focuses on making classes discussion oriented where teachers and students can discuss a subject without wasting time in writing notes. Here at LectureNotes we provide digital notes which can be accessed by any student at any time for free. The process automatically decreases the usage of pen and paper for which a tree is generally cut down. According to the report, 2.47 million trees cut every day to make paper which is the main reason for the decreasing number of trees. We should do something.

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