Let’s Put This Quote to Rest

We All Have The Same 24 Hours — Um, no we don’t

As Told By Cam🌻
As Told By Cam
3 min readMar 1, 2019


Photocredit: Complex

My brains foggy. I’m forgetting things and even the slightest wrong look has me turning red in the face. What is going on? Is Mercury in retrograde again?I’m reading more self-help books. I’m exercising damn near daily like the podcasts and celebrities had suggested and I’m still exhausted. I don’t believe there is enough hours in the day for all that I want to get accomplished.

“We all have the same 24 hours as Beyonce’,”

I hear a colleague say and I strain the hardest to keep this fake smile from turning into a scowl and politely cursing them out. I rub my temples and head back to my desk, discontent with where I am with my career and my writing.

“Why don’t I have the same 24 hours as Beyonce’?”

I hear my inner sour patch kid whisper to me. Nope, we are not doing this today! Instead, we will address why we don’t have the same 24 hours as the rich and famous and thus do our best to make up for this disadvantage.

Much like the millionaires and billionaires giving us pep talks about how we can become them, failing to realize that much of them were born into households with silver platters, generational wealth, boarding schools and live in Nannies.

While I appreciate the encouragement from these millionaires on Twitter and day time TV. I’m honestly getting tired of hearing the same generic ass mantras and “you can be like me too” speeches.

Photocredit: HBO

I’ve heard everything from the most successful people:

  1. Wake up at 4 A.M.
  2. Stick to some quirky ass morning routine.
  3. They don’t make to-do list they just ‘do.’
  4. They say ‘no’ a lot.
  5. They exercise daily.

While all that sounds delightful, is this really pushing me towards success?

Let’s be real, there are circumstances that are sometimes out of our control that play a factor into how we spend our days and I, like most people don’t end up sticking to a routine 7 days out of the week. While wanting to do all of the above is a great goal, don’t get me wrong, it’s not as realistic as one would hope. You can call me cynical by thinking like this, but I’m trying to be a realist.

We don’t all have the same 24 hours and some of us may never see a million dollars more or less a billion in our lifetime. Stop telling people to push themselves off of this generic quote of having the same time as everyone else, when in reality, while there are 24 hours in a day; we all aren’t able. Take into account our resources, connections, families and background.

So thanks Diddy for your vague pep talks.

I appreciate you Jada for your regurgitated inspirational quotes.

We can all stop comparing our journey’s to others. Use the 24 hours to our advantage the best way we know how and continue to kick ass on the daily. Now that all that is out on the table, can we finally lay that generic quote to rest? I for one will have a funeral of it’s mediocrity, write the quote on a piece of paper and burn it away.

Photocredit: Giphy

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As Told By Cam🌻
As Told By Cam

Blooming writer based in Atlanta, here to spread love, laughs and my truths.