New Moon, Who’s This?

Releasing and recharging the lunar way

As Told By Cam🌻
As Told By Cam
5 min readMar 6, 2019


photo credit: cold press juicery

Alright guys, don’t panic, Mercury retrograde is upon us. This doesn’t mean that we have to stop living our lives any different, but it is a chance for us to reflect and take things slow. Aside from some miscommunication, travel delays and weird energies we can still navigate through this time with ease with the help of our lunar friend.

New moons are a time for new beginnings and a fresh perspective. During a new moon, it serves as a time for us to breathe new life into any area of stagnation or any place in your life where you would like to impact positive change.The moon holds a mystical place in the history of human culture and our ancestors knew this. Many ancient practices called on the help of the moon to bring about healing energies and positive manifestations.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “It must be a full moon,” when wild things are happening and people are acting more strange than usual. Here me out! The moon has various affects on our oceans depending on the lunar phases, So why couldn’t the moon have an affect on us when we are composed of 50-65% water — just a theory!

If you’re not into astronomy and mysticism, no biggie these tips/rituals will still help you feel motivated, recharged and renewed.

photo credit: giphy

Write your intentions

What do you wish to do different? What are you looking to manifest these next few months? How do you plan to make this happen? During new moons I like to write out my intentions. Whether it be me wanting a more fulfilling job, a prosperous dating life or something as small as having a good day.

Set the scene for your intentions and really bask in moment. This means, putting away all distractions and being present with your thoughts. Now’s the time to really visualize what you want and accept that what you want is already on its way to you. According to author Deepak Chopra, everything that happens in the universe begins with intention. He defines it as a directed impulse of consciousness that contains the seed form of that which you aim to create — your dreams and desires. Write it out and watch it grow.

“Write it down on real paper with a real pencil and watch sh*t get real.”- E. Badu

Burn it away

For things that no longer serve me, I ‘burn it away,’ aka release it. Sometimes I may write out the things I’m trying to release such as an illness, toxic relationship, debt. I read this intention out loud and then light the paper and drop it into a flame resistant bowl. I visualize the thing that is no longer serving me leaving my body, and I release it by opening a window or door.

Another solution that doesn’t involve fire is decluttering. During new moons I like to get rid of excess junk and or clothes. We tend to accumulate a lot of things of the years and a way to feel lighter is to declutter our space. Go through your items and find things that you can donate or toss out. The whole point of ‘burning it away’ is releasing it. Let go of those clothes you never wear and those shoes collecting dust in the back of your closet. It’s time to make room for fresh new exciting items and things in your life. Watch how more alive this simple task can make you feel.

“ Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real.” -D. Chopra

Treat yo self

Self-care is essential when it comes to recharging. During new moons I like to set a spa day for myself. This can be something as simple as doing a clay mask, washing my hair and even meditating. The same applies for my guys. Do some self grooming, trim/clean those nails, read a book you’ve been putting off. Do whatever makes you feel calm even if its something as simple as playing a video game. Because honestly, gaming is one of my stress relievers.

We sometimes neglect our own happiness by putting others first. Know that your needs need to start being your top priority. Plan that self-care day now!

“Self-care is how you take your power back.”– Lalah Delia


A fresh start means feeling good too. A simple detox can be helpful when you’re trying to get back on the path of motivation and renewal. Cut out those overly processed foods and take a break from hard liquor for a bit. Your mind will become less foggy you may even feel yourself becoming less anxious. During new moons I meal prep healthier meals and spoil my body with fresh veggies, detox shots and green smoothies.

Many patients with ailments have claimed to be cure of them due to a major change in their diet. What we consume does play a large part in our mental, physical and spiritual believe it or not.If you’re looking for some advice on how to start, just click here.

“But the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: Let your body take care of you. “ -D. Chopra

Leave the past where it’s at

The only thing that exists is the now. Yesterday is no more so why dwell on it? While it’s okay to reflect, it’s not okay to fall back on old habits that you’ve out grown. During retrogrades, people from your past tend to pop up. Leave those folks from your past where they’re at — in the past! You’ve already come so far, there is no point in back pedaling.

Let these new moons allow you to reflect and appreciate your growth. Reflect on the current people in your life, are the role they’ve been in them. Are they nurturing your needs? Are they evolving and pushing themselves towards progress? If not, don’t feel bad for separating from friends who are no longer on the same frequency as you. They’ve served their purpose during whatever season.

“The great courageous act that we must all do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.” — Oprah Winfrey

We’re not going to evolve over night, but it’s always good to start gradually forming more positive habits that will help you become the best version of you. Enjoy the new moon’s as they come. Understand that it is never too late to start over. Focus on the now, release and recharge using the loving energy from our lunar neighbor.

photo credit giphy

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As Told By Cam🌻
As Told By Cam

Blooming writer based in Atlanta, here to spread love, laughs and my truths.