Speed Dating: Valentine’s Day Edition

Listen, lets get straight to the point

As Told By Cam🌻
As Told By Cam
5 min readFeb 13, 2019


Brace yourselves, Valentines day is upon us! If you’re not in a committed relationship or seeing anyone special, try out speed dating with some of your close friends. It’s an easy way to meet new people in your city.

Never been? Well my friend, there’s a first time for everything!

It can be nerve racking at first, especially if you’re a person who hates first dates. Think of it this way, you’re pre-screening the potentials or basically predating. The slight difference is that you’re only given 5 minutes or so to make small talk and figure out if you even want to see them again.

It’s meant to be fun and chill so don’t over think it or stress. If you’re not sure what to ask, then you’re in luck! He’re a few ice breakers to get your first round of speed dating started.

So what brings you to speed dating?

This is a simple and straight to the point opener. Did your friends dare you to do this? Are you actually seeking a potential date after this? Were you just bored and looking for something to do? This question easily lets you know what the other persons intentions are for being there. If they seem to be on the same page as you, why not dig a little deeper.

How old are you?

It’s always good to know how old someone is. From there you can ask if they have kids or have been married before. This isn’t being too invasive, this is just wanting to know the basics.

Where are you from?

This question is a no brainer. When you’re talking to a complete stranger you might as well ask where they’re from. Hell, they may even be from the same city as you. If they are, the questions following should flow with ease. You already have this one thing in common, see if they’re hip to some of your favorite spots from your hometown or if they know some of the same people you do. The world is a small place.

What do you do?

If you’re interested in knowing what career path they chose, this is definitely the question you want to ask. Depending on how they answer, this will let you know if they are passionate about what they do or if it’s just another paycheck to them.

Who’s your favorite music artist?

I love knowing what type of music people are into. Especially if it’s similar to my taste. They could put you on to some dope new artist you haven’t heard of — it could be love at first sound!

Have you traveled anywhere interesting recently?

Now if you’re big into traveling this could let you know if that person is too. They may have taken a trip out of state for work or even gone on some lavish vacation out the county. If they haven’t taken any trips recently, then ask them where they’d like to go or even where their dream vacation would be.

photo credit: Giphy

Do you have a favorite restaurant or bar?

Who doesn’t love food? You can find out a lot about a person based on their favorite restaurant or bar. They bring up a dive bar, this person may be super laid back and easy to talk to. They love steak houses and 5 star restaurants, this person obviously has money and doesn’t mind spending it on quality food. If they bring up Applebee’s or Chili's, they obviously know about good deals and how to eat and get drunk for cheap. Don’t judge a person based on their restaurant taste, because you can easily put them on to some of your favorite spots and vice versa. There’s nothing wrong with trying something new.

What’s the last book you’ve read?

If you’re a bookworm like myself, you’d want to know if this person has picked up a book in the last few weeks. I know people can easily get lost in the digital realm, but there’s no better feeling than picking up the latest paper back or hard cover of your favorite genre. If they’re not really into books and you are, well then it may not be a match. Look, if you haven’t read a book in the last few months either than you can gladly skip over this question.

What’s one of the craziest things you’ve ever done?

See how wild they are or if they simply are ‘crazy’. This is meant to be a fun question, but sometimes folks can over share. Hopefully, they say something along the lines of sky diving or took a spontaneous trip out the country. Now if their story is a little too wild for you, no worries, that bell will ding soon and you can move right a long to the next person.

You don’t have to ask all these questions and you most likely won’t even have the time to ask them all. If you feel like you didn’t get enough time getting to know the person you’re sitting across from and actually want to know more, that’s the perfect time to exchange numbers.

It’s not a date, so have fun. Try to make a good first impression, but above all be yourself. If you get a first date out if it, thank me later!

Photo credit: Giphy

Have you been speed dating before? Share an experience in the comments!

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As Told By Cam🌻
As Told By Cam

Blooming writer based in Atlanta, here to spread love, laughs and my truths.