To Quit Or Not To Quit

Deep breaths, let’s think this over

As Told By Cam🌻
As Told By Cam
3 min readFeb 19, 2019


photo credit: Workaholics

If you’re reading this, you may be feeling like countless other Americans who are flat out over their current job. If you are experiencing a case of the Monday’s, Monday through Friday, you my friend may be in job limbo.

This is a feeling of not knowing whether to quit or tough it out at your current lack luster job.

Once your job starts feeling like a toxic relationship, it may be time to re-evaluate some things. If much of the following apply, it may be time to start drafting up your 2-week notice.

You’re not growing professionally

If you’ve been in your current role for some time now and your organization hasn’t offered any room for career growth, start looking elsewhere. Your job shouldn’t just be a paycheck, it should be something that is inspiring you and pushing you daily. Organizations that offer classes, certifications and workshops to constantly challenge their employees skill sets are ideal. When you have that feeling of being ‘stuck’ or restless, this may mean that your job isn’t pushing you or helping you grow professionally. Really consider if you’ve excelled professionally within the last few years. If not, your current position may be holding you back and that may mean it’s time to move on.

Time to take some online classes outside of work.

Helicopter boss

There is nothing more annoying than a boss that constantly micromanages. They control every part of your work, every step of the way. It’s not only frustrating, but tiring. No one wants to be double and triple checked doing even the most basic of tasks. It feels like your boss doesn’t trust you to do your job correctly and that’s a definite way to become unmotivated and flat out resentful towards your job.

Time to revamp your cover letter.

No room for negotiations or promotions

The time has finally come for an increase or that long awaited promotion! But here’s the thing, your managers telling you there’s no room for negotiating your bonus or they’ve decided to go another way and promote the new kid. It can feel gut wrenching, when you don’t get that promotion that you’ve been working towards. This could be a sign that you need to take your talents elsewhere. Another company would be lucky to have a person with your unique skill sets. If your current company can’t see that, it’s clearly their loss.

Time to update your resume.

Your heart isn’t in it

I always hear about faking it until you make it, but there is only so much faking you can do. If your job isn’t fulfilling your goals and expectations, it’s time to get realistic and look for one that is. There is no point in staying in a relationship that doesn’t make you happy, why can’t the same apply with your job? Think about it, you’re at this place for 40+ hours a week, so why not be at a place that you at least remotely enjoy. The stress and resentment after a while will take a toll on you mentally and physically. So, by all means do your best to be at a place that takes your health and happiness into consideration.

Time to start applying for something new.

Listen, I’m not saying that you’ll get your dream job overnight, nor am I saying to quit your current job today. Consider what’s making you discontent and then plan accordingly. If all of the above apply, then apply apply apply! Your new job is waiting for you, so stop moping around at your current one and get proactive. We deserve a career that is fulfilling. So take a deep breath, think it over and go out and get that new job!

Photo credit: Giphy

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As Told By Cam🌻
As Told By Cam

Blooming writer based in Atlanta, here to spread love, laughs and my truths.