January Research Roundup

Interesting Research we found in January covering Data Monetization, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Cryptoeconomic Systems, Platform Cooperativism, and Transportation

Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

Hi everyone! Hope you are having a great start to the new year.

Here is a short and sweet roundup on interesting articles and projects we recently found covering Data Monetization, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Cryptoeconomic Systems, Platform Cooperativism, and Transportation.


2019 DeFi Industry Annual Research Report

Author(s): Alec Fu, Cecilia Jiang, Harper Li, Johnson Xu

Publisher: TokenInsight

Year: 2019

Related Organizations:

  • Alec Fu, Cecilia Jiang, Harper Li, Johnson Xu: Analysts, TokenInsight

Area(s): Decentralized Finance, Lending, Collateral, Blockchain, Financial Services, Alternative Financing, Decentralized Exchanges, Trading, Derivatives, Securities, Interest, Governance, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, Financial Organizations, Liquidity, Constant Product Markets, Cryptocurrrency, Ethereum, Decentralized Applications, DeFi Primitives, Money Legos



Full paper:




$850 Million

Total value locked in DeFi (at least).

~ 50%

MakerDao Dominance, accounted for about 50% in the ETH DeFi ecosystem.


The total value locked (USD) in ETH DeFi more than doubled in 2019, from $ 290 Million to $680 Million, despite recent declines in the cryptocurrency price.


DAI stablecoin saw the strongest market demand with only $3 Million locked in the DeFi protocol in the beginning of the year and grew exponentially to $30 Million at the peak.

✅$154 Million

Debt outstanding in USD more than doubled from $68 Million to $154 Million at the peak.


ETH supply locked in DeFi accounted for roughly 2.5% of the current circulating supply.

✅~ 7%

EOSs in circulation have been locked in the EOS DeFi ecosystem.

✅Doubled growth

Lightning network saw a double growth in BTC value, from ~504 BTC to 1,100 BTC locked in the lightning network at the peak.

✅$2 Million/ $600 Million

The growth of DEX trading activities has been relatively slow but steady in the past year, the daily average trading volume across 2019 is ~ $2 Million compared to ~$600 million on a top tier centralised exchange.

✅DeFi lending will continue its pace in 2020 but will start to focus more on the integration of value added components, such as Oracle, DAOs, etc.

✅With the integration of liquidity aggregator and market making bot, DEXs will grow in a much faster pace in 2020, however centralised exchanges will still dominate the market.

✅Stablecoins will continue to grow and connecting the cryptocurrency industry and traditional fnance to bring a much wider adoption.

✅The DeFi industry will face some regulatory challenges, but proper DAO framework can help the DeFi projects to implement compliant governance mode

✅The industry should see an adoption of a pseudo-benchmark rate as the DeFi industry reference rate.

✅DeFi Financial instruments such as options, swaps will be created and gradually integrates with the existing DeFi infrastructure to help manage risks.

Introducing the Continuous Securities Offering Handbook

Author(s): Thibauld Favre and Joris Delanoue

Publisher: Fairmint

Year: 2020

Related Organizations:

  • Thibauld Favre: CEO & Co-founder, Fairmint
  • Joris Delanoue: COO & Co-founder, Fairmint

Area(s): Securities, Equity, Financing, Startups, Blockchain, Continuous Organizations, Token Bonding Curves, Cryptoeconomics, Securities Offerings, Continuous Funding, Funding.



Full paper:



A Continuous Securities Offering (CSO) is a new investment vehicle, updated for the digital era. The CSO enables companies with growth potential to raise funding by selling a claim on a reserve, funded primarily by a fixed portion of revenues. The CSO offers several advantages over traditional financing: Fairmint offers a turnkey solution that streamlines companies’ ability to launch and manage their own CSO. This document explains the market shortcomings that the CSO solves and provides an overview of how a CSO works, including the lifecycle and parameters for trading.

The Omnibus Model for Custody

Author(s): Ria Bhutoria

Publisher: Fidelity Digital Assets

Year: 2020

Related Organizations:

Area(s): Custody, Digital Custody, Cryptocurrencies, Insituttional Investors, Cryptomarkets, Trusts, Custody Models, Securities, Digital Assets, Public Key Infrastructure, Proof of Custody, Liquidity, Derivatives, Key Management



Data Monetization

How to Monetize & Tokenize Data

Author(s): Bruce Pon

Publisher: Ocean Protocol

Year: 2019

Related Organizations:

  • Bruce Pon: Ocean Protocol

Area(s): Data Monetization, Tokenization, Data Ownership, Token Economic Systems, Cryptoeconomics, Token Engineering, Data, Data Economy, Intellectual Property, Data Stewardship, Blockchain, Marketplace, Web3.0, Trust, Financialize, Frameworks



Platform Cooperativism

4 scenarios on how a platform cooperative breakthrough might happen in the 2020s

Author(s): Leo Sammallahti

Publisher: Coop Exchange

Year: 2020

Related Organizations:

  • Leo Sammallahti: Coop Exchange

Area(s): Platform Cooperativism, Data Cooperatives, Ownership, Anti-trust, Cooperativism, Digital Cooperatives, Web3.0, Blockchain, Partnerships, Local-to-Global, Mutualization, Cooperative Alternatives, Cooperative Conversions




Economic Games as Estimators

Michael Zargham back at it again with the cryptoeconomic systems papers!

Author(s): Michael Zargham, Krzysztof Paruch, and Jamsheed Shorish

Publisher: Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics at WU Vienna

Year: 2020

Related Organizations:

  • Michael Zargham, PhD: Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria; BlockScience, Inc, California, USA
  • Krzysztof Paruch, and Jamsheed Shorish: Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria

Area(s): Token Engineering, Complex Systems, Cryptoeconomic Systems, Decentralized Systems, Open Systems, Interdisciplinary Research, Economic Systems Engineering, Purpose-driven Tokens, Socioeconomic Networks, Peer-to-Peer, Collective Action, Blockchain, Systems Theory, Cryptoeconomic Protocols, Game Theory, Mechanism Design, Optimization, Signals, Rule Technology, Cooperative Games, Uncooperative Games, Complexity, Distributed Ledgers, Estimation, Dynamic Games



Full Paper:



Discrete event games are discrete time dynamical systems whose state transitions are discrete events caused by actions taken by agents within the game. The agents’ objectives and associated decision rules need not be known to the game designer in order to impose structure on a game’s reachable states. Mechanism design for discrete event games is accomplished by declaring desirable invariant properties and restricting the state transition functions to conserve these properties at every point in time for all admissible actions and for all agents, using techniques familiar from state-feedback control theory. Building upon these connections to control theory, a framework is developed to equip these games with estimation properties of signals which are private to the agents playing the game. Token bonding curves are presented as discrete event games and numerical experiments are used to investigate their signal processing properties with a focus on input-output response dynamics.


Evaluating the Potential of Cooperative Ridesourcing: A Case Study of Arcade City in Austin, Texas

Team: Sara Stephens and Adam Stocker

Year: 2020

Initiative: Project on the Energy and Environmental Implications of the Digital Economy

Related Organizations:

  • Sara Stephens: Housing Program Director, Sustainable Economies Law Center, California, USA
  • Adam Stocker: Consultant, Sustainable Economies Law Center, California, USA; Research & Project Management, Innovative Mobility group of UC Berkeley’s Transportation Sustainability Research Center (TSRC)
  • Arcade City

Areas: Ridesourcing, Transportation, Innovation, Cooperatives, Platform Cooperatives, Cooperativism, Blockchain, Protocol Cooperatives, Mobility Applications, Sharing Economy, Platform Economy, Transportation Cooperatives, Innovative Transportation, Case-studies

Project description:


Should operators share their data with authorities?


Year: 2019

Publisher: Shared-Micromobility

Related Organizations:

  • Alexandre Gauquelin: Founder & Consultant, Shared-Micromobility

Areas: Smart Mobility, Micro-mobility, Shared Mobility, Data Governance, Local Governments, Transportation, Innovation, Data Stewardship, Data Monetization, Open Standards, Data Sharing, Compliance



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