LDCRC 2020–21 Roadmap: Laplace Platform

Photo by v2osk on Unsplash

For our Ledgerback Digital Commons Research Cooperative (LDCRC) Roadmap for 2020–21, we have decided to discuss our specific end-goals in individual posts, centered on the development of certain projects and research objectives, throughout April and May.

In this post, we will discuss the Laplace Platform and our goals for the project.


The Laplace Platform (“Laplace”) is our first attempt at developing a web platform/portal for the LDCRC.

Laplace is our take on developing an e-Learning and community-powered research (participative research/citizen science projects and social insights) platform where users can:

  • find collaborators on projects,
  • list research grants,
  • exchange ideas and analyses, and
  • offer and take online courses.

Laplace is primarily geared towards the discovery and development of learning and research in our research areas.

We are still deciding on the ownership model for Laplace.

Currently, we are considering two primary models:

  • strict co-op
  • stewardship co-op

Strict Co-op

In this model, we plan to utilize a multi-stakeholder co-op where the LDCRC will also be a significant player in Laplace, with functions centered on stewarding the platform, while primarily leaving governance and actions on Laplace to the users.

Alternatively, the users will join the LDCRC, and the LDCRC will steward the platform.

Stewardship Co-op

In this model, we plan to utilize a multi-stakeholder co-op and a trust. The trust will be created to uphold the purpose of Laplace through holding of user’s ownership in Laplace, while the co-op will be for managing the governance and business of Laplace through users. The LDCRC will be the steward for Laplace through the trust.


We expect Laplace, when fully operational, to provide the following functionality to users:

  • Blogging: Users posting their ideas, research and analyses for other users to discuss, use and adapt
  • Collaborator: Find other people to work with on projects
  • Courses: Allowing users to offer massive online open sources to other users
  • Grant Posting: Allowing organizations to inform others of grant opportunities
  • Store: Allowing people to sell their materials
  • Ratings & Reviews: Allowing people to rate and review anything and everything under the Web 3.0, Digital Commons and Platform Cooperativism umbrella
  • Advertising: Allowing ethical advertising on the platform
  • Study Hosting: Allowing users to search for candidates for their studies

As Laplace starts out, we will be focusing on Blogging, Grant Posting, and Courses functions.

Possible Web 3.0 Integrations

As a citizen science cooperative that intersects the Platform Cooperative and Web 3.0 spaces, we are also investigating how we can incorporate Web 3.0 technologies into Laplace.

Expected Timeline


End of Q3: Have an alpha-version of Laplace available for use


End of Q2: Have a beta-version of Laplace available for use by the public

End of Q3: Have a production-version of Laplace available for use by the public

Originally published at https://ledgerback.substack.com.

