LedgerDex Announces the Launch of Version 2

Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2018

We are very excited to announce that LedgerDex has been upgraded to Version 2.

Why Upgrade?

LedgerDex is built on top of the 0x protocol. Tradings are executed by 0x’s smart contract. Recently 0x upgraded to V2 with a new smart contract, opening up possibilities to many exciting new features. 0x’s V1 smart contract will retire soon. To take advantage of the 0x V2 smart contract and set up the foundation for exciting future improvements, we have upgraded our platform to Version 2.

What’s New in Version 2?

  • Migrated to use the new 0x V2 smart contract.
  • Opened up our trading API, which will bring more traders and better liquidity to our platform.
  • Many bug fixes and feature improvements.
  • More exciting new features will be added soon.

Compatibility Between Version 1 and Version 2

  • User’s token balance (including WETH) will be the same.
  • User’s token tracking list and trading pair watchlist will remain the same on Version 2.
  • Orders created on Version 1 will NOT be accessible on Version 2.
  • Token allowances set on Version 1 will NOT work on Version 2. Users need to set allowances again.

Action Required from Users

If you have used LedgerDex’s previous version (Version 1) before, you might need to take the following actions:

  • Re-enable Token Allowance: Since we are now using a new smart contract, token allowances you have set for Version 1 will not work with Version 2. You need to set allowance for needed tokens again.
  • Cancel Version 1 Orders If Needed: If you have existing order created on Version 1 that are still fillable, you have two choices: 1) You can take no action and leave them untouched until they expire or are filled by traders still using the 0x V1 smart contract. 2) If you want, you can cancel these orders by visiting our old version. You will need to pay Ethereum Gas fees for order cancellation.

How to Access Old Version (Version 1)

To ensure a smooth migration process, we have made the old version (Version 1) of our platform available for a limited time at this link: https://app-v1.ledgerdex.com. Please note that we will remove access to the old version soon.

If you have any questions regarding our Version 2 migration, please feel free to contact us!

Visit LedgerDex’s Web App (Version 2)

